Movie's chapels: 5 excellent films about brilliant rogues

Movie's chapels: 5 excellent films about brilliant rogues 15722_1
Swimming chains: 5 excellent movies about brilliant zhulikov Dmitry Eskin

Agility of hands and a lot of fraud. Time Out offers a list of 5 best movie flights, follow which is a pleasure.

"Talented Mr. Ripley" (The Talented Mr. Ripley, 1999)

Director: Anthony Minghell

Cast: Matt Damon, Jude Lowe, Gwyneth Paltrow, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Kate Blanchett.

The premiere of the second shielding of the novel of the Patricia Hismita of the same name helped at once several talented actors to strengthen the star Olympus. Among them, Matt Damon, Jude Lowe, Gwyneth Paltrow. Even a small role Kate Blanchett is still mentioned in the ratings and collections.

The film tells the story of Tom Ripley, a poor, but resourceful and capable adventurist. He goes to Italy to, at the request of the Father, return home Dicky Greenlifa, a novice artist, burning life for parental money together with the girl Marge. Once the volume decides that it may take the place of the new friend.

The director repelled very well in the film a thin line between the genius and madness. In our eyes, against the background of the picturesque nature of Italy, it is something that can be called either a talented planned scam or nightmare.

"American AMERICAN HUSTLE, 2013)

Director: David O. Russell

Cast: Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Jeremy Renner.

David O. Tragicomedy plot is unfolding in America 60s. The chief hero, Irving falls in love with Sydney and involves it in his fraudulent scheme. But the American dream was not destined to come true. The scheme is disclosed, and Richie Agent joins the pair, together with which heroes have to catch larger scammers.

In addition to an interesting plot, the picture is very well transmitted atmosphere of the 60s. Throughout the film, the actors wear bright costumes, constructed crazy hairstyles on the head, and Elton John sounds in the soundtrack. The main highlight of the "Scam" is the legendary actors who appear in the most unexpected images. In the stretch, hiding lycin Irving, you can hardly learn Christian Baila, Jennifer Lawrence in the role of a desperate housewife regularly extinguishes a fire in the kitchen, and Bradley Cooper winds her hair on a papilot.

"Wolf of Wall Street" (The Wolf of Wall Street, 2013)

Director: Martin Scorsese

Cast: Leonardo Dicaprio, John Hill, Margo Robbie, Kyle Chandler, Rob Rainer.

Ansobiographical picture about Broker Jordan Belfort (Leonardo Dicaprio). After the Black Monday, 1987, he collects the team and opens the company Stretton Okmont. The state of Belfort grows every day that attracts the attention of the FBI.

The film is based on the book of the same name. But if the book is paying much attention to methods of work of brokers and the development of Stretton Okmont, Martin Scorsese in all its glory shows how the main character burns life. The film in all its beauty demonstrates Jordan Belforte, who consumes so many drugs that "there would be enough Manhattan, Long Island, and Queens for a whole month." The internal kitchen Wall Street is moving into the background.

Margo Robbie shines in the role of Naomi's head character. The role of Donnie, the right hand of Belfort, played John Hill. When he received an offer to film from Scorsera, he agreed immediately, despite the minimum fee.

"Illusion of deception" (NOW YOU SEE ME, 2013)

Director: Louis Lerier

Cast: Melanie Laurent, Morgan Freman, Michael Kane, Jesse Aisenberg, Mark Ruffalo.

The "illusion of deception" tells the story of four illusionists, which with a mysterious goal combines the fifth. They call themselves "four riders", perform together and soon become famous. Illusionists live a robbery of banks and distribute money to the audience. Investigate this case is taken by the FBI agent (Mark Ruffalo), an employee of Interpol (Melanie Laurent) and a complaimer of charlatans (Morgan Freeman).

Louis Letterier clearly took all the best of similar films. For two hours of the film, the director builds a complex and confusing storyline. But, unlike previous films, Leaser, the action is developing easily and with humor. The viewer is fooling many times, offering obviously false answers to their questions. Only the most attentive still find a randering, and then everything will fall into place.

Focus (Focus, 2014)

Director: Glenn Figardar, John River

Cast: Will Smith, Margo Robbie, Adrian Martinez, Gerald Macroini, Rodrigo Santoro.

He is a hereditary thief and a professional of his business, and she just begins his "career." The heroes of the "Focus", Niki (Will Smith) and Jesse (Margo Robbi), together with the group of other thieves, are engaged in robbery and turn large scams.

At first glance, the plot seems fairly simple and clishaned, but the film still enchants thanks to the on-screen "chemistry" Will Smith and Margo Robbie. For Robbie, this is one of the first roles and a chance to establish itself as a serious actress. For Smith - the ability to relax from large blockbusters. It got closer to the actors with their heroes and helped in work on the images. A bright pair makes not breaking to keep track of history, told many times.

Apollo Robbins helped to steal the wallets on the set, known as the "Thief Gentleman", exploring the consciousness of man. Following his instructions, the actors were able to demonstrate the virtuoso dexterity of the hands, which looks spectacular and looks very beautiful in the frame.

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