Articles #580

Maria Bakalova and Kantemir Balagov: What films consider the best American film critics

Maria Bakalova and Kantemir Balagov: What films consider the best American film critics
The US Film Society called the main films last year.The National Society of Film Crims of the United States called the "land of nomads" the best film...

International sales of the world's first smartphone on Snapdragon 870 with a pulse measurement by selfie

International sales of the world's first smartphone on Snapdragon 870 with a pulse measurement by selfie Fans of smartphones around the world have the opportunity to purchase the world's first smartphone on Snapdragon 870 with the possibility...

Why always turn off the sound on the smartphone

Why always turn off the sound on the smartphone
Remember how before we sat with someone near and suddenly to play a melody from the "Brigade" or from the "boumen" on the whole room? It was so it was...

Milky Way, Perhaps full of dead civilizations

Milky Way, Perhaps full of dead civilizations
The question of whether we are lonely in the Universe does not give rest to representatives of the human race for decades. Every time, peering at the night...

Proto Labs: Bet for two-time 3D market growth

Proto Labs: Bet for two-time 3D market growth
The American company Proto Labs Inc (NYSE: PRLB) is the largest manufacturer of minor industrial prototypes, 3D printing products and pressure casting....

Space's whiskey: the history of the region and the features of the tape

Space's whiskey: the history of the region and the features of the tape
Speyside region (Spaceide) is several times less than Highland and Lowland. But this area is very "fruit" on Scotchi - more than half of all whiskecurren...

"Penalties" for mothers increased

"Penalties" for mothers increased
The end of the pandemic does not promise improvements in the labor market: some of the changes that occurred in 2020 will remain with us for a long...

Main on Wednesday. The Security Service of Ukraine - On the disclosure of the Belarusian Agent KGB, the servicemen recorded the appeal

Main on Wednesday. The Security Service of Ukraine - On the disclosure of the Belarusian Agent KGB, the servicemen recorded the appeal
So, the environment in Belarus traditionally begins with political news. The Security Service of Ukraine announced the disclosure...

An important acquaintance: how and when is it worth introducing a child to your new man?

An important acquaintance: how and when is it worth introducing a child to your new man?
Father or not fatherIn many ways, the future relationships of the new chosen one with the child depend on the role of the Father in the child's life. If...

Takhtar Aubakirov: I actually tell the truth - I was without weapons

Takhtar Aubakirov: I actually tell the truth - I was without weapons
Takhtar Aubakirov: I actually tell the truth - I was without weaponsAlmaty. March 18. KazTag - Madina Alimkhanova. The first Kazakhstan cosmonaut of...

By 2024, the number of agricultural equipment with satellite systems will increase in the Rostov region by 30%

By 2024, the number of agricultural equipment with satellite systems will increase in the Rostov region by 30%
The event was attended by the Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Rostov Region Konstantin Radarovsky, the manager of the Rostov branch of Sberbank...

Why former partners want to help

Why former partners want to help
The people we encountered before, sometimes can support communication and offer their help. But why former want to help when you already broke up? This...

What to do to gather twice the crop of cucumbers

What to do to gather twice the crop of cucumbers
Good afternoon, my reader. Even knowing how and when to spend each of the steps of growing cucumbers, it is possible to use any important point to skip...

We will be familiar. Garden Blueberry - Popular Varieties, Growing Secrets

We will be familiar. Garden Blueberry - Popular Varieties, Growing Secrets
Good afternoon, my reader. The taste of strawberries and raspberries long ago, the blackberry does not complain of your soil, and the crop currament has...