How ended the most famous epidemic of diseases?


In the entire history of mankind, more than ten major epidemics were recorded, during which hundreds of thousands of people died. One of such heavy times is right now - the coronavirus pandemic has not disappeared anywhere else. But scientists at least quickly found out, because of which this disease arises and even developed several vaccines. And hundreds of years ago, during the spread of plague, smallpox and other terrible diseases, people did not even understand what was happening to them. Treatment methods did not exist and people remained only to hope for a miracle. Fortunately, even these difficult times passed and the disease were defeated. As part of this article, I propose to talk about how the most famous disease epidemics ended. All these cases instill hope that Coronavirus will also ever be completely defeated.

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No matter how terrible epidemic is sooner or later it will end

Justinianova Plague in ancient Rome

The first pandemic in human history is known as Justinian Plague. She began in the capital of the Roman Empire, the city of Constantinople, in 541 to our era. In those days, people could not understand that they were struck by their disease. On bodies of infected people, bubons occurred - inflamed lymph nodes. Some people also had blood herading. During this epidemic daily died at 5-10 thousand people. It is believed that the disease spread due to infected mice, which arrived in the Roman Empire from Egypt on the ships. The plague quickly spread over Europe, Asia and North Africa, killing up to 100 million people. In those days, the population of the Earth was small, so the disease destroyed 50% of the civilized world.

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Justinian Plague in the artist's representation. Horrible sight

Even modern scientists could not understand for a long time, which is why a terrible disease arose. Only in 2013 they found a good evidence that the causative agent of the disease was a plague stick (Yersinia Pestis), that is, people were hurt with bubonic plague. Disease medicine was not found. The epidemic ended only when everything has become infected with the disease. Many people died, and those who survived, received immunity.

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Plague chum, causative agent of bubonic plague

Black death in Europe

The second pandemic of the plague began approximately 800 years later, in Europe. Tens of millions of people became victims of deadly disease, and the peak of morbidity fell for the period between 1346 and 1353. The exact number of victims is unknown, but the sources say that the disease died from 30 to 60% of the population of Europe. People still did not know, because of what the disease arises, so many superstitions arose at that time.

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The figure shows the plague doctors. They wore elongated masks, which allegedly defended them from the "pathogeful smell"

But people finally understood that the disease is transmitted when contacting contaminated. After that, measures began to be taken to isolation of patients from healthy people. When ships sailed to Europe, guests had to stay inside the vessel 30-40 days. The exit from the ship was allowed only to eat during this time inside the patients were not detected. That was how quarantine was invented, thanks to which the number of infected finally decreased.

An interesting fact: the figure 40 in Italian sounds like "Quaranta". So the word "quarantine" appeared.

Epidemic Plague in London

London suffered from epidemics of the plague, because in this city there were outbreaks of the black plague even after the "black death" described above. If you believe historical data, in the period between 1348 and 1665, about 40 outbreaks of plague were recorded in the British capital. That is, the disease arose almost every 10 years and climbed with him about 20% of the city's population.

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Plague in London in the artist's representation. Pay attention to the cross on the door of the house - he warned that inside there is an infected man

Time went and at one moment the authorities released the law on the isolation of the sick. People with Chuma forcibly locked in their homes. Next to the contaminated horses was put a haystack like a danger warning. Later, more visible signs appeared in the form of the red crosses installed on the doors with the inscription "God, hind us!" The most killer outbreak occurred in 1665 and was the cause of the death of 100,000 residents of London. Thanks to the measures taken, the amount of infections went to the decline. In 1666, a large fire began in the city, during which the remaining contaminated people were killed and carrying rat disease.

See also: Is the social distance during the plague respected?

Black OPA in the USA and Europe

Black OSAP is a very infectious disease, which in the entire history of mankind claimed the lives of hundreds of millions of people. Only in the 20th century, 300 million people died from this terrible disease. It is characterized by a heavy flow and is accompanied by a fever and the occurrence of rash throughout the body. At first she was spread over Europe, but in the XV century passed by travelers to the indigenous population of America. If you believe historical data, in one century, 95% of the population of the current territories of the United States and Mexico died.

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I will not insert a photo of the effects of black smallpox, it is too scary spectacle

Salvation from smallpox found only in the XVIII century. It was then that the British doctor Edward Jenner (Edward Jenner) noticed that black smallpox does not infect milkas. It turned out that women during the work had already sought a cow's ospa, which was not dangerous for a person. Based on cowhrum, the first vaccine was developed, which made it possible to complete the epidemic. In 1980, the World Health Organization announced that black smallpox no longer exists.

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As can be seen, even the most terrible epidemics of diseases sooner or later ended. And the end of the coronavirus pandemic is just a matter of time. At the moment, several vaccines have been developed and one of them is the Russian "satellite-5". Many relate to him with skepticism and make it or not - everyone's personal matter. About how it works can be read on this link.

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