All according to the rules: 5 traditional Orthodox Christmas dishes


What to cook for Orthodox Christmas? What dishes must be on the table this evening? An excellent reason to turn to the ancient recipes of Russian cuisine!

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Christmas on Russia has long been not only a significant religious holiday, but also a reason for the whole family to gather at one table. That is why the Christmas table is traditionally abundant: it was necessary to appear feed snacks, pies, as well as a full-scale hot dish - and not always one.

You can imagine what delight caused such a luxurious treat extracted from a Russian oven. But in the modern urban apartment, Christmas dinner is a great opportunity to remember the traditional recipes of Russian cuisine. And, of course, do not forget that each dish on the table this evening has its own symbolic meaning.


This is a traditional dish of whole wheat grains, barley or a millet with honey goes with its roots in deep antiquity. Bucket is served on Christmas Eve, and this is the main dish in the Christmas Christmas Eve. Susta symbolizes both the connection with the afterlime world and the rich harvest of the coming year. The Christmas Bucket is also called "generous", as various "fillers" are added to it: poppy, dried fruits or nuts. We offer you a recipe for sweet buns with a lot of stuffing, which is very likely to children.


  • Wheat, Perlovka or Moto: 400 g
  • Kuraga: 100 g
  • Raisins: 100 g
  • Fried almond: 50 g
  • Hazelnut: 50 g
  • Mac: 50 g
  • Honey: 200 g
  • Boiled water: 100 ml


Honey Mix with warm boiled water. Then soak in this water dried fruits so that they become soft. Creek weld to soft, but so that it does not lose the form.

Cool the cereal. Remove dried fruits from the water and cut into small pieces. Water do not thump, we will need it.

Nuts crush into the mortar so that there are quite large pieces. Come down to the side.

Magted in a mortar with a pestle to work out "Milk". Mix it "Milk" with "honey water" and fuel the cooled croup. Add liquid gradually and mixing well. If necessary, you can add not all the water, the main thing is to preserve the crumbly consistency.

Pull the scratched nuts and pieces of dried fruits, mix well and let it stand for an hour, and better 2-3, so that Cute is soaked. Serve with hot tea or exaggeration.

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Goose with apples

Christmas goose is a traditional dish both for Europe and for Russia. No matter how surprising is not borrowing, but a traditional dish and for our kitchen too. Recall the fabulous meals of Russian princes and heroes with roasted swans. Goose is a more modern and familiar alternative, and a juicy and fragrant goose with a crispy crust is a dish that automatically creates a mood of the holiday. In our recipe, the goose is not just baked with apples, but also stuffed with them, which reduces the chances of cut this wonderful bird to almost zero.


  • Goose: 3-4 kg
  • Sour apples (medium): 10 pcs.
  • Lukovitsa (average): 2 pcs.
  • Cumin: 1/2 h. L.
  • Mayran: 1 tsp.
  • Broth or hot water: 1 cup
  • Salt: to taste
  • Pepper: to taste


Prepare a goose to the baking: rinse, dry by a towel, remove the remaining feathers. Punch the skin on the hips, trouser and breast for a fork so that the excess fat came out when baking. Think in the water in the water, wooden skewers, which will fasten the abdomen the goose, or take a culinary thread.

Cminus in the mortar to get powder. Sattail the goose salt, pepper, crowded with Tmin and Majorane outside and inside, retain. In the meantime, heat the oven to 250 degrees.

Six apples cut the quarter, removing seeds. Leave the four biggest and beautiful apples - they will need us. Straighten the abdomen with apple quarters and sculpt the sparecrows pre-stamped in the water or squeeze the culinary thread.

Cut the onions rings and unlock the bottom of a big banner or gooseman. Put on him a goose with a belly up. Pour a glass of hot water or broth on the bastard and place everything in the oven.

About 15-20 minutes bake a goose at a temperature of 250 degrees, then reduce it to 180 degrees. Depending on your oven and sizes, the baking can last 1.5-2 hours.

After approximately every 15-20 minutes, water the goose in the fluffing fat in order to get a crispy crust. Approximately 25 minutes before readiness to put the remaining large apples to the Guseuge.

Check the readiness of the goose in the thick place with the help of a wooden strip: the juice should be transparent. Serve with boiled or baked potatoes and apples. Onions, on which goose baked, you can grind with a blender and divorce broth a little - you will get a pleasant spicy goose or potato sauce.

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These beautiful and fun gingerbreads come from the north of Russia, from the Arkhangelsk region. There they are a traditional element of the Christmas table, but they loved people and in other areas of our vast homeland. Why do they have a strange name? Someone believes that from the word "curl" at the local adverb, and someone is confident that this is a gentle folk nickname, because Kozuli is always baked in the form of any animals and fish. And goats are no exception. Kozuli is an excellent "edible decoration" of the Christmas table, and they symbolize good luck and well-being. We offer you a prescription Kozul without honey: it is easier to cook them, and the taste is practically no different from an old analogue.


For gingerbread:

  • Flour: 1.7 kg
  • Creamy oil: 400 g
  • Sugar: 4 cups
  • Eggs: 3 pcs.
  • Yolk eggs: 5 pcs.
  • Cinnamon: 2 h. L.
  • Hammer Carnation: 1/2 h. L.
  • Dried ground ginger: 1/2 h. L.
  • Soda: 2 h. L.
  • Boiling water: 1.5 st

For glaze:

  • Egg protein: 1 pc.
  • Sugar powder: 200 g


First we make sugar "zhizhva". In a deep frying pan with a thick bottom (better cast-iron), we put two glasses of sugar, put on a small fire. Sugar will gradually begin to melt and caramelized. When sugar becomes brown, in small portions add 1.5 glasses of boiling water, constantly stirring a mass with a wooden spoon until you get a uniform mass. Be careful: Sugar might can sprinkle. Then praise two more sugar glasses and stir up to complete dissolution.

Remove from the fire and put butter in the sugar mass. Pour into the pan and completely cool.

Meanwhile, eggs and yolks are scorched and add to the sugar mixture. Swelling, pour out soda and spices. Then gradually interfere with flour, having received elastic dough. The finished dough should not adhere to the hands. Leave it in a cold place for 24 hours.

Place the figures in the molds. Figures can not be made thick, otherwise they will be borne well. Thickness should not exceed 5 millimeters.

Lubricate the baking sheet with melted cream oil and bake in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees five minutes.

While the gingerbread is cooled, cook the glaze to decorate. In the protein, we gradually add sainted sugar powder, well stirring the wedge and not allowing the appearance of lumps. Ready Mass "Test" on a flat surface: It should keep shape. If the glaze will seem like a liquid, add some more sugar powder (the result can be diluted with water, if the paste is too thick). Place the glaze in the confectionery horn and give the freedom to work!

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Cull with fish

Fish is a traditional Christian symbol, so it is not surprising that it must necessarily attend the Christmas table. Cupilek filling is one of the most delicious ways to bake fish, because it turns out to be surprisingly juicy. Appetiating Culeboyak Gogol in his immortal "dead souls": "Yes, Culebyaka do four corners, in one corner you put me cheeks of sturgeon yes a visure, in another launch buckwheat porridge, yes mushrooms with a bow, yes milk sweet, yes brains Yes, we also know there ... "The variation on this ancient recipe" for four corners "we give - that is, with four different fillings, perfectly caring in one cake and separated pancakes.


For dough:

  • Flour: 1 kg
  • Water: 550 ml
  • Dry yeast: 3 h.
  • Sugar: 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt: 1 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil: 80 ml
  • Yolk (for lubrication): 1 pc.
  • Water boiled (for lubrication): 1 tbsp. l.

For pancakes:

  • Flour: 200 g
  • Milk: 500 ml
  • Eggs: 2 pcs.
  • Sugar: 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt: 1/2 h. L.
  • Vegetable oil: 1 tbsp. l.

Stuffing 1, Red Fish:

  • Red Fish Fillet (Salmon, Salmon, Trout): 400 g
  • Pepper red ground: to taste
  • Lemon juice: 1 tbsp. l.

Stuffing 2, Mushrooms:

  • Fresh champignons: 400 g
  • Cream 20% fatty: 100 ml
  • Salt: to taste

Stuffing 3, White Fish:

  • Cod fillet: 400 g
  • Dill Fresh: 50 g
  • Lemon juice: 1 tbsp. l.

Filling 4, egg:

  • Eggs welded by screwing: 7 pcs.
  • Green Bow: 50 g
  • Sour cream: 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt: to taste
  • Black pepper: to taste


We divorce yeast in a deep bowl in warm water, adding three tablespoons of sugar. We leave about 10-15 minutes. Then add 1 tsp. Salts with a slide and stirring.

We start flour and small portions begin to add to the bowl, then pour vegetable oil. We leave for 20 minutes.

Then lay out the dough on the table and smear a little, then we put in a bowl again, close the food film and leave it half an hour to rise.

Even after half an hour, we once without the dough again, but this time we leave to rise for 40 minutes.

While the dough comes out, fry pancakes, trying to add smaller oil so that they are not fat, and also cook the filling.

Eggs cut into small cubes, onions just finely cut and mix with sour cream. Shampignons cut about the same cubes as eggs, and twisted in a frying pan until golden color, then add cream and shops to thickening cream. Enjoy.

Red and white fish cut separately with small cubes. Finely cut dill. White fish mix with dill and ground black pepper, red with red pepper and both fish filling salts to taste and sprinkle lemon juice.

Our dough is ready. Separate a slice of a slice of a slightly more fist and leave it for the decoration.

The remaining dough roll in a wide layer size with your baking sheet. 5 cm from each "board" test is left free to convert.

We begin to lay out our "corners". Having retreated five centimeters, lay out the first filling of red fish, watching it to take a quarter affordable to lad out the stuffing of space. We close the stuffing with pancakes on top, laying out their masts. You can cut them in half to make it more convenient.

We repeat with the next stuffing the same, spreading it close to the previous layer so that it seems to be "pressed" into the previous one, and covering the pancake on top. You do not need to cover the last layer of eggs.

Then we wrap our cake, first bending the edges from the sides, and after - on top and bottom, tightly stacked and replacing the penetration dough.

We put the baking sheet with bakery paper or sprinkle with ground crops. Then (this is the most complicated!) Carefully turn the cobbley seam down. From the remaining slicer of the dough, we make decorations: traditionally these are flowers or leaves, but you can do and fish, and Christmas trees are all that is enough fantasy.

We leave our pie for another 25 minutes so that the dough rose a little more, then lubricate the yolk and put in the oven, heated to 220 degrees. We bake Couplekuka for 45 minutes, after we give a cool 20 minutes - and you can enjoy in Gogolovsky!

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The custom of the band spawned not only a lot of fairy tales and legends, but also a very pleasant recipe. Carols - this fine baking from dark flour with various fillings, as well as beautifully attaches that give them the shape of the sun, - it is taken to spend the quilting. "Sunny" form is no coincidence, because carols carry a solar, light symbolism.

But even if the knocks behind the door are not observed, no one prevents you from cooking funny "sunshids" for yourself and loved ones. Stuffings for carols set, we offer you a recipe with cottage cheese: his tenderness is perfectly combined with a rich taste of rye flour.


For dough:

  • Rye flour (or a mixture with wheat 1: 1): 500 g
  • Water: 300 ml
  • Salt: to taste

For filling:

  • Cottage cheese 9%: 300 g
  • Egg yolks: 3 pcs.
  • Sugar: 3 tbsp. l.
  • Non-noine sour cream 15% fat: 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Creamy oil: 20 g
  • Salt: Chipotka
  • Egg yolk (slightly whipped): for lubrication


Introducing fresh dough on flour, water and salt and leave it for 20-30 minutes, covering the towel above. In the meantime, you will prepare a filling: cottage cheese mix with yolks, sugar and salt. Optionally, you can add raisins or one highlight: to whom it will fall, the next year is especially lucky.

It approached the dough to roll out the harness, cut into the same pieces and roll out of them small pellets with a diameter of 15-17 centimeters. To put a few cottage cheese in the center of each cake: so that it does not interfere with the edges.

The edges will take place in several places so that they are "sun" with filling in the center. The edges of the car beads to lubricate the yolk.

Lubricate the baking tray, lay out the carols and bake in the oven at a temperature of 220 degrees 15 minutes. A piece of oil melt, mix with sour cream and quickly smear the open part of the hot carol. Serve with hot tea, shot or extinguished.

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Christmas recipes are tested by centuries: and it is not only a wonderful taste, but also in that cultural heritage that is hidden behind them. Culebyak and carols, piers and cats return us to the distant past, to which we did not return since the old Russian tales donated in childhood. And not in vain: After all, the best Russian chefs have long drawn inspiration in antiques, invoking folk recipes that successfully adapt to a new time.

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