Makay told about human rights, Aleksievich is going to return, and Tikhanovsky gave a great interview

Makay told about human rights, Aleksievich is going to return, and Tikhanovsky gave a great interview 7112_1

"There is no reason for exclusive attention to Belarus on the topic of human rights, except with the exceptional goal of political pressure on the legal government," said Vladimir Makay Foreign Minister Vladimir Makay today during an online speech at the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council. Transfers BelTA.

Mock on the safest cities

- Belarus is a young, independent state that consistently develops an evolutionary way. We have never argued that our country is ideal, but we categorically disagree with subjective accusations of human rights violations, which sound in our address on the UN Security Council on the part of its members. There is no reason for the exclusive attention to Belarus on the topic of human rights, except with the exceptional goal of political pressure on the legal government, is convinced by Vladimir Makay. - It seems that someone cannot bother with the thought that, despite the tough political and economic pressure, the Belarusian state is developing not on the cutting patterns of Western countries, but as the Belarusian people themselves solves in their own interests.

According to Vladimir Makeya, Belarusians can proudly declare that their cities are among the safest in the world that all citizens in the country ensured the possibility of employment, the right to retire, for free education and one of the most accessible and efficient and effective In the world of free medicine systems.

The Minister noticed that street riots in Belgium, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, Poland, France, accompanied by the dedication of protesters, responding violence of the police, do not go from the first media stripes ...

He noted that violations of Poland, Lithuania, the Czech Republic and many other European countries of their own commitments in the field of human rights can be listed with hours:

- Why do these countries assign themselves the right to prevent and blame other states? Why do they regularly contribute initiatives in the HCH with a proposal to consider the problems anywhere, but not at home? Or the "trepidate" attitude in the EU to the rights of migrants causes widespread respect from the UN? The position of national minorities in Latvia, expulsion of representatives of Roma in France, Neonazists in Estonia, politically motivated persecution of journalists and Russian-speaking public activists in Lithuania and so on. And this does not care here in the UN? Why does the UN Council on Human Rights do not consider these questions?

Aleksievich intends to return

In the meantime, in an interview with "People's War" Svetlana Aleksievich announced a return to the country:

"I would never leave if my health was slightly stronger." But in my plans, of course, it is a spring return to Minsk. And I would like to return to the new country. Each of us should stand today.

Tikhanovsky gave an interview to Dmitry Gordon

Dmitry Gordon published a large interview with Svetlana Tikhanovsky, recorded on February 14 in Vilnius. It was about the personal (as I met Sergey Tikhanovsky), and, of course, about politics. As for the first, then, according to Svetlana, she met Sergey in Mazyr, where he led the disco. Just presented free skipping, then called for a date - and was spinning ... Responding to questions about the possible "pro-Russian" orientation of Sergey Tikhanovsky, Svetlana only expressed the hope that it would once be possible to ask himself.

Further went in common. For example, whose idea was nominated by the presidential candidate.

"My," says Svetlana Tikhanovskaya. - It was a conscious decision to support her husband, and not run into presidents. I knew that they would not register me. And they registered - just to laugh. I was asked: "Do you exactly register?" I replied: "Yes, I dreamed all my life." This later became a reason for jokes.

She believes that even among the securityrs - most for change, but they are afraid to show themselves, being tied with loans, apartments, actions, blood. I am sure that the protests did not stalk and people will not be able to be the same - "I just changed the picture," the "Partisan War" goes.

At the same time, there are still topics about which Svetlana cannot yet speak. For example, what happened during her visit in the Central Election Committee, the details of its departure from the country on August 11. He says he will tell when the time comes. It is still not disclosed with a sense (none of the parties) the topic of $ 900 thousand found during the search. Svetlana does not know about the fate and origin of this money: "Probably, from where they brought, there and took ..." I am sure that it is not the dollar of Sergey. I recalled on the occasion of an old joke: "Tikhanovsky had money for the sofa, and Babarico had a sofa for money."

There was a question about money, which, as reported, Svetlana received when leaving Belarus. Recall, in October Lukashenko told:

"The request was alone:" Please pass the president, I want to leave Belarus: there will be trouble. " And I gave a disposal: we are protected, at wishes, with people, about which she asked for her to be accompanied, taken to Lithuania to children. And when she said that she had no money to live there, I ordered, and 15 thousand dollars took from the state enterprise and gave it to her. "Thank you very much," I cried on the neck.

Regarding this story, she also said that he would tell about her later.

In turn, and Gordon, who previously took an interview with Lukashenko, shared his feelings. He admitted that it was originally delighted with the interlocutor who made the impression of a reasonable and charming person, and in addition, for him there were most Ukrainians - now, after all that he seen on the Belarusian streets, "nothing left of this image" ...

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