66-year-old pensioner with glaucoma and in remission after cancer Dali 14 days

66-year-old pensioner with glaucoma and in remission after cancer Dali 14 days 6738_1
66-year-old pensioner with glaucoma and in remission after cancer Dali 14 days 6738_2
66-year-old pensioner with glaucoma and in remission after cancer Dali 14 days 6738_3
66-year-old pensioner with glaucoma and in remission after cancer Dali 14 days 6738_4

The 66-year-old pensioner Zoe Korotkina, which is in the remission of oncology, the judge of the Central District, Karsyuk gave 14 days of administrative arrest, told volunteers of deprived accreditation of the Human Rights Center "Vyasna". About how a meeting was held over a woman and how she responded to such a term, tell me here. Also Onliner contacted Zoe Vladimirovna's husband - it turned out that a woman was abolished a few years ago and she suffers to glaucoma.

Yesterday in the court of the Central District of Minsk, a meeting was held under Part 1 of Art. 23.34 Administrative Code in the case of 66-year-old Zoya Korotkina. She was detained on Saturday, January 23.

- Do you have any disability group? - asked at the beginning of the meeting Judge Karsyuk.

"No longer," said Zoya Vladimirovna.

- The size of your average monthly income?

- 520 rubles Pension.

- In a pregnancy, are you?

"No, of course, a pensioner answers surprise. The judge clarifies the rights and obligations of the potential offender and reads the protocol. At this time, Zoya Korukkin strongly coughs.

- I do not agree only with what I consciously participated, and that I participated with someone together, and what I had in my hands, what are you talking there, symbolism? - said Zoya Vladimirovna. - I recognize myself guilty that I did not know that I violate some laws. Ignorance does not exempt from responsibility, so I have to accept punishment. But I am a completely apolitical person and did not delve into all these things that do not interest me. And it turned out that there are such things. I went to the store and stopped seeing what was happening.

The judge interrupts it and says that the time for the extension of the woman will still be.

- Well, I just rush, I do not know the whole ceremony. I do not recognize myself guilty, did not participate in any manifestations, - she notes and refuses further explanation.

According to the protocol of its testimony, she showed the sign "Victory" passing on the prospectus of independence and signaling cars. But Zoya Vladimirovna says that this is not her words. She said that first on the avenue was driving a column with state flags, and then there were still some cars. Another pensioner came to her, they began to talk, and then in the Schorkina, they took the elbow and led to the car.

"I have not been looking for ten years that I don't watch TV and not interested in what happens at all," she says.

Witness, as expected, Alexandrov Alexander Alexandrovich.

- And who is Alexandrov? Wanting some or who? - Specifies the pensioner.

The judge does not respond to her question and proceeds to a witness survey, after which it declares the change in personal data. By tradition, the witness acts on Skype and in a mask. This is a policeman of the Central RUVD Minsk. The Silovik predictably says that together with Omon, two people delayed, which "violated public order, picketed to express their personal political sentiment in order to express their personal political moods. During the picketing, the citizen [inaudible] Vera Vladimirovna was located with another participant of the picket that kept the white-red and white flag in his hands. "

The judge interrupts the witness and aloud corrects the name, the name and patronymic of the detainee.

- Shorty? - Surprise asks the witness, a long pause arises. - Aaaa, everything understood.

He tells the same, only allegedly about Zoya Vladimirovna, says that she kept the flag. To her turn the camera, the policeman says that he learns her. The pensioner denies that someone had symbolism.

"I hope that the witness does not perform any special price, but simply really confused me with someone," Zoya Korukina summarizes. - I do not feel guilty in some kind of crime, it's guilty only that I do not follow the news of politics. In addition, I have a very vulnerable health: Even if I wanted [participate in events], I could not, because I am very expensive. I had oncology, very difficult treatment for not one decade. Now I am in remission, even today I was sick and my head was spinning, because the weather is changing outside the window. Please accept, in the attention that we have no symbolism with this woman - an ordinary Babsk conversation. We are two senior boltish women.

The judge, without hesitation, recognized the pensioner guilty and gave her 14 days of administrative arrest.

- I am convicted of 14 days? I will spend 14 days here? - in bewilderment asked. Judge Karsyuk repeated the decision and voiced the timing of a possible appeal.

"I don't know how to do it, and I can't stand it." This is not in my power, so Paded Silatz, - Elderly woman completed the dialogue.

Onliner talked with his husband Zoe Vladimirovna, Anatoly. He says that he was in the village at the cottage, his wife called him just about the time of his detention, but did not have time to say anything. The man realized that something had something wrong. Later I found out that she was taken to the police station, and headed there. I waited for about an hour, and then he was told that the lists would only after 12 o'clock in the morning, exchanged phones with the policeman. At three o'clock in the morning there was a missed call, but by that time Anatoly had already fallen asleep.

- In the morning I had already scored from Ocseptine, they said that she was there and that I can bring medicines for her - pills and drops. I took more with myself a couple of oranges, bananas and water, but they did not take them: only medicines take them, "said Minskhanin.

According to Anatoly, after chemotherapy, his wife damaged lungs, so it is hard to transfers even small drafts and weather changes - it begins to cough and sneeze.

- operated on all sides - and on top, and below. I no longer remember how many "chemistry" she had. And with her eyes, her problems - glaucoma, and with pressure - a whole bouquet of diseases, constantly carries with him a lot of pills. It is not known how she will survive there. Hope she was warmly dressed. But will she wear warm clothes in these chambers, I do not know. A fur coat, she had a long skirt, "recalls the spouse of the detainee.

A man says he did not expect an administrative arrest for his wife. He was not at the court hearing: he learned about him five minutes before the start.

- I thought she was released. Keep such people ... well, what kind of threats to the state? What will they do to him? I thought, maybe it will give a fine. But so many days! What kind of humanity can we talk about? - He sets a rhetorical question.

Anatoly Pavlovich says that his spouse began to operate in Borovlyans back in 1987 - accurate after the accident on the Chernobyl.

- She had disability, but she was removed several years ago. Probably not to pay a pension - we have all socially oriented.

Fifth February, Zoe Shortina will be 67 years old. She will meet his birthday in captivity.

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