Experts identified the best and worst new buildings of the Eastern Administrative District


Experts rated new buildings of one of the most spacious districts of Moscow and amounted to a rating of 16 residential complexes.

So, one of the two outsiders of the rating was Izmailovo LCD. In the project, two corps that initially promised to put into operation in the third quarter of 2020, but the deadlines were transferred to the 2021th. The distributions negatively assess the situation, the construction, according to them, stopped in September.

"We arrived in September and today (in December), there is no difference at all. I understand that Lokdanu was, but it ended, they had a lot of time to catch up. If now, the situation with quarantine worsens them again climb, no one will wait for apartments, "the prolonmer worries.

Perhaps this is the main minus LCD. The experts set him a lower score for reliability, on the "four" drawn the quality of the project, and the location was estimated slightly lower - Izmailovsky cemetery is 300 meters away, four kilometers - CHP-23.

Sales in the project are still underway. The most fiscal offer is a one-room apartment with an area of ​​39 square meters. meters - costs 9.9 million rubles.

The second worst project was the LCD "Izmailovsky passage 22-1". This is a project for the reconstruction of a dilapidated building with the superstructure of the upper floors. He has similar estimates as the Izmailovo LCD. Initially, the construction was planned at the end of 2020, now new deadlines - the fourth quarter of the 2021th. The cost of housing starts from 7.7 million rubles for the smallest apartment of 52 square meters. meter.

Favorites in the ranking are also two. One of them is Izmailovsky 11 LCD. It has three corps from 5 to 17 floors, which must be commissioned until the end of 2020. Experts put the highest score for reliability, the quality of the residential complex and the location (however, did not receive the highest point for these criteria, they did not receive the highest score on these criteria. Now in this LCD you can buy housing from 10.7 million rubles, the areas start from 37 "squares".

The LCD "Transfiguration" - another leader of the rating similar assessments as the LCD "Izmailovsky 11". In the project of 11 houses, introduce the first seven new buildings promise at the end of 2020. The most budget version of the housing in this project is a 9-square studio studio. meters - costs 8.5 million rubles.

Read more about these (and not only) LCD read in the rating of the new buildings WAO. Behind the latest news, photo reports and comments on those interested in new buildings in Moscow and the Moscow region can be monitored in the telegram-bots

Experts identified the best and worst new buildings of the Eastern Administrative District 6514_1
Experts identified the best and worst new buildings of the Eastern Administrative District

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