Want how in Ukraine? Compare Internet speed and prices in Belarus and neighboring countries

Want how in Ukraine? Compare Internet speed and prices in Belarus and neighboring countries 6336_1
Want how in Ukraine? Compare Internet speed and prices in Belarus and neighboring countries 6336_2
Want how in Ukraine? Compare Internet speed and prices in Belarus and neighboring countries 6336_3
Want how in Ukraine? Compare Internet speed and prices in Belarus and neighboring countries 6336_4
Want how in Ukraine? Compare Internet speed and prices in Belarus and neighboring countries 6336_5
Want how in Ukraine? Compare Internet speed and prices in Belarus and neighboring countries 6336_6
Want how in Ukraine? Compare Internet speed and prices in Belarus and neighboring countries 6336_7
Want how in Ukraine? Compare Internet speed and prices in Belarus and neighboring countries 6336_8
Want how in Ukraine? Compare Internet speed and prices in Belarus and neighboring countries 6336_9
Want how in Ukraine? Compare Internet speed and prices in Belarus and neighboring countries 6336_10
Want how in Ukraine? Compare Internet speed and prices in Belarus and neighboring countries 6336_11

Today, we compare the cost and speed of network access in Belarus and neighboring countries. We were interested to see how national providers are suitable for the development of the network, as well as their commercial heirs. After all, with a large player in the market, you want small providers, but they will follow the rules imposed on them. Guess what country is the Internet cheaper and faster?

To begin with, we clarify several nuances:

So that no one has arisen the temptation to seek in this material "inappropriate advertising", just in case we will not call a large domestic provider, whose tariffs have been chosen for comparison. Let it be an abstract company under anything meaningful name, say, "Monopolysvyaz". Many national providers at one time were privatized and today are commercial enterprises. As a rule, they retained their dominant position in the market and are the largest providers in their countries. It was them that we were taken into account as the heirs of once state monopolists. All offers of providers we looked at their sites. For convenience, we transferred all prices in Belarusian rubles at the rate on February 8, 2021. Often providers offer a number of additional services. We tried to choose only tariffs with the Internet, without unnecessary bonuses. But if it didn't work out without them, we will point it separately. For convenience, we divided tariffs into three categories depending on the access speed: up to 100 Mbps inclusive, up to 600 Mbps and up to 1 Gbit / s. Providers

Briefly introduce our today's participants, whose tariff plans are compared.

"Monopolysvyaz" (Belarus). Large provider with a wide range of services.


Rostelecom (Russia). Created in 1992 as a state-owned enterprise. Currently, it is a public joint-stock company, the largest package of shares (38.2%) of which belongs to the state.

Ukrtelecom (Ukraine). Until 2011, the company was state, and then it was sold and transformed into a joint stock company. Currently, the Ukrainian Holding Company SCM, owned by the billionaire Rinat Akhmetov.


Lattelecom (Latvia). The company was established in 1992 as a state telecommunications enterprise. Currently, 51% of Lattelecom belongs to the state, and 49% by the Scandinavian concern Telia. The country's largest provider, which in 2009 began to offer private clients with access to the network at a speed of 100 Mbit / s.


Telia (Lithuania). After the collapse of the USSR, the development of telecommunications in the country was engaged in the state Lietuvos Telekomas. Since 2017, as a result of a series of mergers and purchases belongs to the Scandinavian Giant Telia. The largest provider in the country.


Orange Polska (Poland). Since 1992 - State Enterprise Telekomunikacja Polska. In 1998, the company reached the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Over the next few years, more than 50% of the company's shares bought France Telecom. Since 2012 is known under the Orange brand. The largest provider in the country.

Tariffs up to 100 Mbps

First, we will look at tariffs up to 100 Mbit / s, and then we analyze proposals at 100 Mbps data transfer rate separately. Why? Because in the first case, "Monopolysvyaz" acts as a unconditional winner with its 10 and 25 Mbps. Not because it is too cheap or quick, but because in neighboring countries by 2021 there are no tariff plans with a speed of access less than 50 Mbps. Yes, and 50 Mbps, in addition to the Belarusian provider, the Internet offers only Ukrtelecom.

By the way, the speed of access 100 Mbps in the case of a stationary Internet is also not considered to be out of a series of outgoing. The corresponding tariff is in Lithuania, Ukraine, Moscow. Montopolyviamia has 100 Mbit / s can only be found in a batch offer, where, in addition to the Internet, also includes television.

The Lithuanian proposal is closest to the cost of the tariff from the Belarusian company. It is cheaper by 5 rubles, but does not include IPTV. The Russian provider offers the Internet for an indecently low price, which is one and a half times lower than that "Monopolysvyaz" sells 10 Mbps. Not much worse in Ukrtelecom.

Tariffs up to 600 Mbps

300-600 Mbps - the usual phenomenon in all of our neighbors. Maximum, which is ready to offer the Belarusian provider - 200 Mbps. The most expensive tariff did not give the Latvian rulersider. Lattelecom tariffs begin with 200 Mbps, but also asking for them for our money more than 60 rubles. True, you can conclude a contract for two years of service, and then the price of the Internet in Latvia will be exactly like a "monopolysmia".

The lowest rates please "Ukrtelecom". Get 200 Mbps there can be cheaper than 10 Mbps from "Montopolyvia". Approximately the same price that the Belarusians put on their 200 Mbps, you can connect to Lithuanian or Polish giant. True, the speed will be one and a half times higher, and even without interruptions during the elections.

As for 500 Mbps, it is again pleasantly surprised by Rostelecom. Poligabita at a price of 10 Mbps in Belarus? Why not. Lattelecom has the same four times more expensive. Poland is priced by the quest, but already from 600 Mbps.

Tariffs up to 1 Gbit / s

What seems like fiction for a long time and is familiar with the neighbors. You can connect to the gigabit Internet in all clanging tank tracks of countries and even in the "Wagnerovtsev" nest. And it is impossible to say that this is a proved price. So, in Moscow and Ukraine, ultra-speed access to the network costs cheaper than our tariffs per 100 and 200 Mbps. And even almost 100 rubles from Lattelecom do not seem to be very discharged for 1 Gb / c.


Instead of withdrawal, we simply give a final schedule with a value of 1 Mbps in rubles in all the tariffs of Belarusian and foreign providers considered today.

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