History of life and war of the last Minister of Defense of the USSR, the only Marshal of the USSR Dmitry Jazova

History of life and war of the last Minister of Defense of the USSR, the only Marshal of the USSR Dmitry Jazova 5392_1

Dmitry Timofeevich Yazov - the first and last marshal, awarded this title during the times of the Soviet Union. He lived a long life, participated in the Great Patriotic and Afghan Wars, deserved many awards and ranks.

Yazov was born in the family of peasants in 1924. In November 1941, he voluntarily entered the ranks of the Soviet Army, owing his age (at that time he was17 years old and an unfinished school). But he was not immediately sent to the front. The young man was trained in the Red Banner Infantry School. Supreme Council of the RSFSR in Moscow.

History of life and war of the last Minister of Defense of the USSR, the only Marshal of the USSR Dmitry Jazova 5392_2
Young Dmitry Yazov, 1941 / photo: © wikipedia.org

In July 1942, Jasova sent to the Volkhov Front, and in August he received the first wound: because of the explosive wave he damaged his leg, spine and beat the kidney. In late October, the soldier returned to the system and immediately accepted command over his mouth. In January 1943, in battle for Leningrad (this is stated in the book "Military doctrines and the reforms of Russia in the 20th century") Dmitry Yazov received a new wound: the pomegranates damaged him. The injury was not very serious. Yazov recalled that the nurse about his injury said: "With such scratches, you can not contact the hospital." Nevertheless, he was left in the hospital under supervision.

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D.T. Yazov, November 1, 2013 / Photo: © wikipedia.org

At this time, Leningrad's blockade was removed and Dmitry Timofeevich received the title of Lieutenant. Later, the lieutenant participated in the operations in the Baltic States and in the blockade of the German troops surrounded by the Kurland group. During the war years I studied a lot. So, he graduated from the front rate of improving the commander's composition, moreover, he himself headed the platoon of front-line courses. On the victory in the war, the future Marshal found out that there is not far from Riga. In the publication "Fathers-Commanders", it was noted that Dmitry Timofeevich for military merits and injured was awarded the Order of the Red Star. It was only the beginning of a martial career of Jazova.

In the mid-50s, the Military Summary of Hope was appointed commander of the battalion (this was facilitated by training at the Military Academy. M. V. Frunze). In 1961, Dmitry Timofeevich headed the regiment, and in the late 1980s became the Minister of Defense (already being the general of the army). High military title of Yazov received in 1990. So he turned out to be the last warlord of the USSR, which received such a high military.

History of life and war of the last Minister of Defense of the USSR, the only Marshal of the USSR Dmitry Jazova 5392_4
Events August 1991 / Photo: © SIMKL.IN

In 1991, the Union ceased to exist. During the events in August 1991, Yazov supported the GCCP. According to his order, tanks appeared on the roads of the capital. In his book, the "Lost Army: Score Colonel of the General Staff" Viktor Baratan claims to take a journal in custody at Vnukovo airport. And a few years later, he fell under the amnesty. After that, Dmitry Timofeevich, for several years, led the Office of Geninspectors of the Ministry of Defense of Russia and was an activist in the veteran movement. Yazov died on February 25, 2020. He found his last refuge at the Federal Military Memorial Cemetery in the Moscow Region in the city of Mischi.

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