Vegeta dystonia in children: what you need to know the parents


It is said that vegal dystonia in people of different ages appears due to nervous overvoltage and stress. Some patients believe that IT is not a disease, therefore it does not need treatment. In fact, most doctors relate seriously to

The emergence of vegetal violations and strongly recommends adults and children to complete a full examination to find the cause and appoint proper treatment.

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Where does the VD come from?

Many health workers call a vegan dystonia borderline, which can lead to serious health problems. As a rule, the first signs appear in a transitional age, but even small children suffer from VD.

What is a vegetative dystonia? Modern medicine treats VD, as a failed controlling function of the nervous vegetative system, which deteriorates the tone of the walls of the vessels.

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Causes of EDD

  • emotional stress, stress (control and examinations in school, problems at work, overwork, non-compliance with the regime, intense atmosphere in the family, etc.);
  • hormonal failure in the body;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • wrong lifestyle;
  • Prolonged stay after a computer monitor, passing virtual games.

See also: 3 Serious causes of hoarseness in children

What symptoms indicate the presence of IRS in children?

There are no pronounced symptoms, so many parents often write off the child's condition for overwork or age changes. What symptoms in children should alert adults:

  • sharp mood swings;
  • increased aggression;
  • plasticity;
  • anxiety;
  • lack of hobbies;
  • loss of interest in favorite classes;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • worsening sleep;
  • Changes in skin (excessive dryness, appearance acne);
  • Body temperature jumps that are not related to colds;
  • lack of appetite;
  • Problems in the work of the GCT;
  • shortness of breath, heavy breathing;
  • Strong dizziness, weakness.
Important! Parents need to know that VDC can manifest itself at the earliest age. That is why you need to carefully follow the condition of the child, especially when he can not tell him that he worries him.
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Vegeta dystonia can develop independently or indicate the presence of hidden serious diseases, such as diabetes or kidney problems.

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As is diagnosed by VD

Recognize the presence of a vegetative dystonia is quite difficult. To begin with, doctors should eliminate diseases with similar symptoms, and only after that proceeding to the appointment of treatment. The child needs to pass a number of laboratory research, as well as visit narrow specialists: pediatrician, cardiologist, psychologist, neurologist, gastroenterologist.

Is it possible to cure

As a rule, the children are prescribed a non-drug treatment, although in some cases they resort to the help of pharmacy drugs.

What includes non-drug treatment:

  1. Strict day mode. The child must sleep at least 8 hours, while the evening is shown calm games or reading books. The kid should be in the fresh air at least 2 hours.
  2. Refusal to computer and television. It is advisable to completely eliminate the viewing of cartoons, virtual games. If you do it hard, at least limit the stay in front of the monitor.
  3. Active lifestyle. Write down the child in the sports section: swimming, figure skating, gymnastics. Let the child ride more time to cycling, skiing, skating.
  4. Massage. Children with FMR often appoint a course of therapeutic massage.
  5. Phytquia. Herbal fees helps to calm the nervous system, but it is impossible to use them uncontrollably. Fitotherapy must appoint a doctor, according to the child's age.
  6. Acupuncture. This method also helps in the fight against the symptoms of ICC in children.
The most effective way to overcome the symptoms of the ICC to turn to a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Medicia treatment

If a child has a severe form of FMR, non-drug forms may not help. In this case, drugs are prescribed to normalize the work of the nervous system. As a rule, doctors prescribe nootropics that help better blood circulation and improve the condition of nerve cells. Also, children are recommended to drink a course of vitamin B, and if there is a painful syndrome - no-shu.

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But nevertheless doctors are leaning towards lighter treatment with the help of healing herbs. The following medicinal plants may alleviate the symptoms of

  • chamomile;
  • ginseng;
  • AIR;
  • lemongrass;
  • motherwort;
  • hawthorn;
  • licorice, and others.

Reception of drugs should not be too long, otherwise you can provoke an addictive body to medicines.

Parents should not be engaged in self-medication and put their own diagnosis to the child. If an alarming symptom occurs, it is necessary to seek medical care to stop the development of the disease on time.

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