7 fun games and crafts for learning geography

7 fun games and crafts for learning geography 23829_1

Interesting ways to learn all about other countries

Teach geography only on textbooks is terribly boring. There are many ways to make the study of this item much more interesting. You can watch the documentation and travel shows, wander online cards and consider colorful atlases. And still invent games and crafts that will help consolidate knowledge of other countries. Gathered several such games for you.

Invent your country

When a child learns the form of government, territorial divisions, the economy and other features of different countries, remember them better, he can, inventing his country. The child will decide whether his country will be the monarchy or the republic, in which language they speak and where it is located.

Based on the last item, you will have to come up with even more interesting details, because it depends on what states the fictional country is neighboring, the economy, its climate, and so on.

Cards countries

To memorize the dry facts (the capital of the state, its religion, the population and other) is not so simple. But you can easily facilitate the task if you make cards with this information. Print or draw on the front side of each card anything that is associated with a child with this country (the main attraction, the local animal), and write all the boring, at first glance, the facts. So they are easier to learn.

To check the knowledge, show the child the front side of the card. He must remember and call everything that is written on the reverse side.

Bingo with flags

And this is a great way to learn flags. Draw on cardboard flags of different countries, but do not sign their names. Immediately make a few cards with different sets of flags. Distribute these cards to children participating in the game. Call countries in random order, and you will need to remember how their flags look like, and cross them in their cards. Win the one who first will strike out all the flags.

I on the map

From paper or cardboard cut out several circles, each more than the previous one. On the smallest together with the child, draw your home, on the second one element of your street (for example, a park or shop), then your city (schematically draw it a map, flag, indicate the population and other interesting facts), subject, country and continent.

Do not stop on our planet and make mugs for the solar system and the Milky Way! Crerate all the circles along the stapler. The child will be convenient to flip them and repeat important information.

Map do it yourself

A child can make a world map to better remember how individual continents look like. Print the circuit card for you to start. Fill the contours of the continents are convenient in different ways. For example, plasticine or play-up. For each continent, choose different colors, so remembered better.

Or make a cradle from macaroni. The horns are more suitable. First pull them out. To do this, pour pasta into the bag. In a small amount of water, dissolve the green food dye. Pour the liquid into the bag and arms distribute the paint through the macaronam. Put them with a smooth layer on the film and leave to dry.

For each continent on the map, apply PVA glue, and on top of pour pasta and wait until the glue dries. Together with the child remember and sign the names of the continents.

What country is he

Teach the names of countries and their location is more convenient through associations. Hang on the wall a big world map. Arranged photos of your relatives or celebrities, animals and national dishes from different countries. With the help of multi-colored threads and stationery carnations (yes, like real detectives), the child will need to connect the photos and countries with which they are connected. First, find them on the map will be difficult, but their location is remembering immediately.

Prepare for the journey

Remember everything about the climate of the country, its national dishes, holidays, outfits and other things easily, if you play a traveler. The child must be imagined that he is sent to some country, and collect a suitcase. Does he need a warm down jacket or summer clothes? Does it make sense to take with me diving? Then the child decides which souvenirs associated with the local culture, he will bring home. All these things can be simply written or draw, cut and decompose on small boxes to refresh knowledge at any time.

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