6 products that work no worse than antibiotics


Effective natural remedies that are in each kitchen.

6 products that work no worse than antibiotics 22721_1

To protect against malicious microorganisms entering the body from the environment, science has invented special drugs - antibiotics. Drugs are effective, but there are a number of side effects. So why not seek help from nature? Many natural products are able to fight microbes and viruses no worse than antibiotics and do not harm health. We chose the six most effective.


Thanks to powerful bactericidal properties, garlic is one of the best natural antibiotics. As the therapeutic agent, it was used by Avicenna, Indian Ayurveda, Lekari in ancient Egypt and China. Fitoncides contained in garlic are able to kill most of the pathogens of dangerous diseases. In addition, the plant activates the body's immune cells - T-lymphocytes.

As it is: You can at least every day, adding fresh in salads, soups, hot dishes. If you do not like the garlic taste, it is permissible to swallow the clove of fresh garlic entirely, not chewing.

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The onion contains a lot of useful compounds, including flavonoids and allicin, due to which it has excellent antimicrobial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory actions, strengthens the immunity and restores the microbial balance in the oral cavity. Also, the bow activates the metabolism, improves blood formation and contributes to the purification of the body from toxins.

As is: Every day for the prevention of colds, increasing appetite and improving overall well-being. The greatest benefit has a raw onion, a little less - stewed and boiled.


In a sauerkraut, a huge amount of vitamins and trace elements needed by a person in the cold season. In addition, it strengthens the immune system, restoring the bacterial balance in the intestine - and, as is well known, 80% of immune cells are concentrated in the intestine. Doctors and nutritionists unanimously believe that this fermented product is an excellent means for the prevention of viral diseases.

As it is: in the absence of contraindications - daily 200 g. Ideal - with fragrant vegetable oil and a repressed or green onion.

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Burning fragrant spice from South Asia is considered truly miraculous. Ginger contains such valuable antimicrobial components like jingerol, Schogol and Zingeron - they have antimicrobial, expectorant, antipyretic and coating actions. With regular use of ginger, the protective forces of the body can be strengthened.

As it is: Fresh ginger root grate and add to tea or brew separately. You can add honey and lemon to enhance the effect and taste. Ginger is useful and in a hammer form, but only if you are confident as a product.


Numerous studies of scientists have proven that honey kills pathogenic organisms, increases the body's immune response and helps it easier to transfer already existing diseases. Honey is a strong natural antibiotic thanks to an inhibina - an enzyme that is able to destroy any bacteria, even those that are immune to pharmacy antibiotics.

As it is: no more than two tablespoons per day, in the morning. It is better raw, since the honey dissolved in hot tea loses its useful properties.

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The fragrant spice is able to reflect the attack by the most evil and resistant intestinal bacterium E. coli, with which the pharmacy antibiotics can hardly cope. In addition to the antibacterial properties, cinnamon has immunomodulatory and tonic effects. During the disease, it has a coating effect, helping the body to be cleaned of toxins.

As it is: Pretty cinnamon add to tea or warm milk. Corrigon tree can be brewing and used to rinse the throat.

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