Kazakhstan intends to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 - Minecology


Kazakhstan intends to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 - Minecology

Kazakhstan intends to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 - Minecology

Astana. 20th of March. KazTAG - Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources RK Magrim Mirzagaliyev met with the Ambassador of Germany Dr. Til Klinner, the press service of the Ministry of Extraction reports.

"During the meeting, issues of bilateral cooperation in the field of geology, climate change and the circular economy were discussed," the report says on Saturday.

As clarified, the Minister expressed his willingness to cooperate in the field of geology with German mining companies.

"Today is the development of the information system of the National Data Bank and Mineral Resources. This will provide accessibility to all unrepreneur, including lithium and related elements, geological data on deposits from any point of the globe in online mode. It will also be possible to provide licenses on the principle of the first application in a single window for investors. Given the innovation, we are open to cooperation in geology with German companies, "the minister said.

In addition, the Head of Minecology spoke in support of the initiative to create a working group on the rapprochement of the Kazakhstan system of trading quotas for greenhouse gas emissions (STTV) with the European system and thanked the participation of the German side as the Chairman of this Working Group.

"Kazakhstan intends to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and at the moment we are working to develop the concept of low carbon development of Kazakhstan until 2050. The possibility of rapprochement of the Kazakhstan emission trading system to European will allow to stimulate the reductions of greenhouse gas emissions, "Mirzagaliyev emphasized.

It is noted that it was also said about innovations within the framework of the new Environmental Code. According to the minister, Kazakhstan refused indirect environmental damage and increased the volume of technologically inevitable gas burning. So, for major foreign investors, the increase in fines is leveled. It was noted that it will be a motivating tool for nature users.

At the same time, the FRG ambassador to Kazakhstan identified the prospects for the development of cooperation in the disposal of waste disposal, as well as the interest of German companies in the implementation of joint projects for the construction of incinerate factories in Kazakhstan.

"Today, Germany is one of the leading trading partners of Kazakhstan, trade and economic relations between countries are characterized by the dynamics of stable strengthening and finding new interaction opportunities at the federal and regional levels," is summarized.

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