VTB received eight awards awards "Crystal Headset"

VTB received eight awards awards

VTB became the owner of eight prestigious awards of the International Competition of the Contact Centers Industry "Crystal Headset. Season 2020/2021. " The solemn ceremony took place on March 23 in Moscow.

The Bank's retail recovery department won three nominations and twice became a winner. The program "Together we create the future is recognized as the best in the nomination" Best Program / Practice "Voice of the employee", the use of feedback from personnel. " It is aimed at a systematic understanding of the needs of employees, taking into account the use of different channels and tools for collecting feedback, which ensures the principles of honesty, directness and confidence.

The victory in the nomination "Command Leader of the Year" won Ruben Nouroyan, head of the remote recovery department. He demonstrated high personal and team efficiency, customer-oriented and involvement, application of innovative approaches and well-coordinated teamwork.

The status of the "mentor of the year" deserves Anastasia Bakro, the head of the remote recovery group. The jury noted a non-standard approach to mentoring, the atmosphere of creativity and an effective environment for the disclosure of the potential of employees.

In the nomination "The best program / practice of the motivation and involvement of personnel", the program "Most valuable asset" received a high assessment of the jury. The jury appreciated the experience of implementing projects of motivation, development and involvement of personnel. Understanding the values ​​of each employee, its influence on the efficiency of the bank, the creation of a comfortable labor ecosystem.

High approval of the jury in the nomination "Operator of the Year" was noted by Julia Pavlova, the chief specialist accompanied by non-core assets.

The Client Services Department received three awards. The VTB Contact Center has earned a high-assessment of the jury in the "Best Contact Center" nomination (over 500 people). According to the results of difficult 2020, the Bank accepted a record number of appeals - over 58 million, increased the quality and efficiency of customer service, expanded the possibilities of voice IVR and implemented speech analytics.

The head of the service team of the preferred clients of Evgenia Tarasova was highly appreciated by the jury in the "Command Leader Leader" nomination. The jury appreciated non-standard and creative approaches in terms of personnel motivation, as well as a customer-oriented approach.

The high approval of the jury in the nomination "The best team of control and quality assessment team" has earned a team of the quality control department of the Department of Client Services. The team has developed customer service rules called "Cosmos" to teach operators to go beyond their official duties and regulations in solving customer issues. Thanks to this, the speed of solving client issues has increased - the average dialogue with a customer with a client is 35 seconds less than that of the best market practices; 87% of the issues are solved from one call, which is 2% higher than the best practices of the market; 85% of customer ratings is 4-5 on a five-point scale, which corresponds to the international COPC standard.


International Nomination Program "Crystal Headset" - a project for assessing the quality of the work of contact centers of the largest companies. Getting award in the competition is the most important sectoral event in the contact centers and customer service industry. Over 300 companies representing contact centers from Russia and the CIS countries take part in the competition program.

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