One of the main problems of Muscovites is the parking lot of creepers, taxis and gazelles in the courtyards


This is not a matrix, but the feeling that the circle closed. Every evening, not only me, but many of you make a whole quest and cut circles in your yard or neighbor, in miserable an attempt to park. Very often we tolerate fiasco. Why so it became? Let's try to figure out together.

Once our house area was free for travel. There were almost no cars and there were never any parking problems. Taxi cars stood in fleets and everyone was satisfied. However, this time was rushed into the fly.

Remember how Boris Yeltsin, speaking in Kazan, said a housing phrase: "Take so much sovereignty as you can swallow"? What then was not bad. Parking places immediately began to capture on the principle of self-grapted - put the garages-shells, some, especially inxis, even engaged in business - put a few pieces and leased.

Then it came to the fact that almost as in the film "Kin-Dza-Dza!" There was some unrecognized color gradation. Wearing raspberry jackets were elite and no one contacted them. However, and this time was rushed into the fly.

Almost every day in his metropolitan court I see the same picture - the cost of carchering often delivered. I can not say that it is angry me, but he is very annoying. There are no parking places and so there is no, and then they are thrown as it fell and go on their own business. Throw on the principle - where I want. Taxi drivers are also parking their cars in the courtyards, however, the latter are more culturally parked.

One of the main problems of Muscovites is the parking lot of creepers, taxis and gazelles in the courtyards 12176_1

But as the parking carchering often - I want to go to the sidewalk, I want to break the other departure. Crashing itself is not to blame for anything, as the idea is not the worst, it's in elementary emptying attitude towards others and lack of education. Park the same gazelles. Cut into any courtyard, except for an elite, where are the kind of well done as a selection stand, the picture will be the same. What to do and how to be?

The question is interesting. There is no answer. Most likely, it is necessary not to just ban full parking for creeching, gazelles and a taxi in the courtyards of residential buildings, but also to introduce a small penalty for such comrades with the car of the car to the stradition with all the consequences. It is like this for an adult. Those who throw their business cars in the courtyards are absolutely anyway on the fact that parking residents are missing. So without the "Knuta" policy here is not to do. " What do you think about this?

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