Articles #559

Soviet collective farm gave people agrarian hardening

Soviet collective farm gave people agrarian hardening
Nail Salikhov was born on March 9, 1931 in the village of Parkhad Baltasinsky district. He began his career at the age of 19, after the end of the...

Rules sterilization cans in a microwave oven

Rules sterilization cans in a microwave oven
Good afternoon, my reader. The microwave will help not only warm or cook food, but also to sterilize canning cans. The advantage of this method is the...

Headset Overview Creative Outlier Active V2

Headset Overview Creative Outlier Active V2
Creative is one of the largest and most well-known global brands engaged in the production of audio equipment. This brand is well recognizable, because...

Three state employees who have fallen in 2021: optical stabilization, NFC, FullHD +

Three state employees who have fallen in 2021: optical stabilization, NFC, FullHD +
The offensive of a new calendar year is not only a celebration and a festive mood, but also the time of the cost of last year's gadget models. Indeed,...

I eat and can't stop

I eat and can't stop
Many of us in one way or another came across hunger ... The child eats badly, eats some sweets, eats too much - all this leads to the horror of many...

Fitol against gallic nematode as an alternative to synthetic pesticides

Fitol against gallic nematode as an alternative to synthetic pesticides
This is reported by the Eurekalert portal. "Gallic nematodes infect a wide range of plants, including several types of agriculture, such as cotton,...

Milan Tulipova showed her face to plastics, and she has no familiar feature

Milan Tulipova showed her face to plastics, and she has no familiar feature
Everyone knows that appearance Milans Tulipanova - this is the result of the work of plastic surgeons. Former chosen Alexandra Kerzhakov showed how the...

Curd curls in sour cream fill

Curd curls in sour cream fill
Curd curls in sour cream fillIngredients: I got 20 large buns. dough: Milk - 150 ml. Dry yeast - 5 grams. Sugar - 70 gr. Salt - chipotch Smetana -...

Sberbank corrected the funds of the population

Sberbank corrected the funds of the population
Despite the crisis, the fall in income of the population and flow of savings on the stock market, citizens carried money to Sberbank: over the past...

What kind of plant AIR Bolotnaya?

What kind of plant AIR Bolotnaya?
What kind of plant AIR Bolotnaya? Photo: Depositphotos.This plant has many titles in different languages: lepeha, the tavern ... in different cultures...

Can "buy" to deprive the status of the regulator?

Can "buy" to deprive the status of the regulator?
We tell under what conditions with the Regional Operator to handle the TCU may terminate the agreement. - On the streets since the beginning of the year...

Rules of communication with obsessive strangers whose knowledge of one day can save your life

Rules of communication with obsessive strangers whose knowledge of one day can save your life
Faced with stickies on the street, remember: it is not your fault. Even if you marched on the dark alley on the hairpins and in the mini skirt. Each person...

VTB issued a quarter of a trillion mortgage with state support

VTB issued a quarter of a trillion mortgage with state support
VTB reached 250 billion rubles issued loans on mortgage with state support, issued 78 thousand transactions on it. The share of the program in the...

Realtors hit the buildings: how long will they live?

Realtors hit the buildings: how long will they live?
The company "Peak" announced that from March 1, it ceases to relationships with real estate agencies. This is not the first developer in St. Petersburg,...