Articles #448

5 YouTube channels about physics and chemistry for children

5 YouTube channels about physics and chemistry for children
Cool experiments and theory of simple language Physics and chemistry in schools are beginning to learn about the seventh grade, although many children...

The main secret of the German nutrition of Johanna Budvig for the health of the body

The main secret of the German nutrition of Johanna Budvig for the health of the body
Johanna Budvig doctor more than half a century ago developed a unique nutrition system, which helps to fight for cancer cells. For its activities, a German...

3 Android 12 functions that can be turned on on any Android

3 Android 12 functions that can be turned on on any Android
A month ago, Google began preliminary tests Android 12. Only developers who own Google Pixel smartphones were attracted to them. Test assemblies and named...

Ara Ayvazyan about the development of Russian-Armenian relations, the position of Yerevan on the status of Artsakh and other issues

Ara Ayvazyan about the development of Russian-Armenian relations, the position of Yerevan on the status of Artsakh and other issues
Armenian Foreign Minister Ara Ayvazyan told in an interview On the development of Russian-Armenian relations, the position of Yerevan according to...

Oscar for the role: why women imitate orgasm

Oscar for the role: why women imitate orgasm
Support partnerOrgasm's simulation happens most often from good motives. So women are trying to support their partners, inspire and save their self-esteem....

20+ stories that make you believe in karma. Part of the stories seemed to be written off from our friends

20+ stories that make you believe in karma. Part of the stories seemed to be written off from our friends
Many of us happened to face, to put it mildly, the inappropriate behavior of others or to make acts for which later a little shame. For example, slip without...

The most beautiful women in history: what they looked in childhood. Part 2

The most beautiful women in history: what they looked in childhood. Part 2
Earlier, we have already published a selection of children's photos of the most beautiful women of the planet. It is time to submit to continue. Let's...

Why should you know me: co-owner cafe Pa'Shoot, Oishii and "Sea" Evgeny Meshcheryakov

Why should you know me: co-owner cafe Pa'Shoot, Oishii and "Sea" Evgeny Meshcheryakov
I was born in Moscow in the family of the military. He was a difficult child, in childhood terribly hooliganil: changed two kindergartens and five...

History of "Iron Lady of Glossa" Anna Winters, which became a prototype of the Terrible Commander in the film "The Devil wears Prada"

History of "Iron Lady of Glossa" Anna Winters, which became a prototype of the Terrible Commander in the film "The Devil wears Prada"
Before the release of the film "The Devil wears Prada", the name of Anna Witri was known in mostly people from the world of fashion. But after it turned...

There was a leak of personal data of the fans of the West Ham United Club

There was a leak of personal data of the fans of the West Ham United Club
West Ham United Football Club accidentally allowed the leakage of personal data of his fans on the official website of the team. Open access was the...

Sanpin 2.1.3684-21 from 28.01.2021 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for water, air, waste, content of territories and buildings ..."

Sanpin 2.1.3684-21 from 28.01.2021 "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for water, air, waste, content of territories and buildings ..."
Welcome new sanitary rules of Sanpin 2.1.3684-21 of 28.01.2021. The official name sounds as follows: "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for...

Alexey Agranovich will become the new head of Gogol Center. Here are 4 facts about him

Alexey Agranovich will become the new head of Gogol Center. Here are 4 facts about him
On February 2, it became known that Kirill Serebrennikov would no longer lead the Gogol Center. His place will take Alexey Agranovich - he will come to...

20+ people who good luck threw the treasures from the past

20+ people who good luck threw the treasures from the past
What is for one - trash, for the other - the present treasure. And under both these criteria, antique things are often falling, which can be found on the...

The response of Mortal Kombat fans on the Mortal Kombat trailer brought the producer to tears

The response of Mortal Kombat fans on the Mortal Kombat trailer brought the producer to tears
Frame from the movie "Mortal Kombat"Frame from the movie "Mortal Kombat"Mortal Combat militant producer Todd Garner commented on the stormy response...