The response of Mortal Kombat fans on the Mortal Kombat trailer brought the producer to tears

The response of Mortal Kombat fans on the Mortal Kombat trailer brought the producer to tears 4239_1
Frame from the movie "Mortal Kombat"

Frame from the movie "Mortal Kombat"

Mortal Combat militant producer Todd Garner commented on the stormy response of Mortal Kombat fans to the first trailer.

Epic and Extremely Brutal Film Promotion Simon Mcquoyda simply blew the Internet, the Mortal Kombat game was even for some time in Twitter trends. There are a lot of positive reviews that, of course, Rastogal Garner:

"MK fans. I follow your reaction to the trailer and just crying. Sometimes fans forget that people stand behind these films, and I personally had to leave the family for almost 5 months. Your smiles and enthusiasm cost. Thank you!"

Too severe criticism really find it difficult. Here are some comments, the star "Terminator: Dark Fates" Gabriel Moon noted:

"Damn! It seems that they finally made a good movie on Mortal Kombat. Hope it is Flawless Victory [impeccable victory]. "

"Mortal Kombat trailer is pure art."

"The trailer agrees me for several reasons. Here is mostly Asian, black and mixed faces. Everything looks hot and strong. Finally, the superhero film with the rating R ["18+"]. At the moment, Mortal Kombat characters are the same iconic as the heroes Marvel and DC. "

We will remind, in the new spectacular trailer, the cult heroes of Sab-Ziro (Joe Taslim), Scorpio (Hiroshuki Sanada), Sonya Blade (Jessica McNemi), Liu Kan (Ludi Lin), Kun Lao (Max Juan), Jacks (Mekkhad Brooks) and Kano (Josh Louuson), as well as a newcomer Franchise Cole Young (Lewis Tang), MMA fighter, which will be in the spotlight.

The premiere of the film "Mortal Kombat", the producer of which also performs James Wang, is scheduled for April 8.

See also: 15 best militants in the last 30 years

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