Articles #426

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In the venture business, much depends on people. A successful idea and promising business model still do not mean that a truly large company will...

Tagildarstroy gave the creation of a terrace on the embankment for 165 million in a subcontract

Tagildarstroy gave the creation of a terrace on the embankment for 165 million in a subcontract
The municipal enterprise Tagildarstroy has gave work on the arrangement of the terrace along the Tagil pond in the subcontract. In the request of prices...

Billions of rubles for adding retirees: named indexing options for pensions working

Billions of rubles for adding retirees: named indexing options for pensions working
The Presidential Administration is currently being considered three options for indexing pensions to working citizens, "Moscow Komsomolets" reports...

"It is proposed to leave the territory of the republic." Belarus condemned the Polish consul for his participation in the festival in honor of "damned soldiers"

"It is proposed to leave the territory of the republic." Belarus condemned the Polish consul for his participation in the festival in honor of "damned soldiers"
"On March 9, 2021, a temporary attorney in the affairs of Poland in Belarus Martin Vojtsekhovsky was called in Belarus. During the meeting, the Polish...

Vulnerabilities oauth | How to implement safe authorization in your web application

Vulnerabilities oauth | How to implement safe authorization in your web application
This article will deal with the well-known Oauth vulnerabilities. Readers will also learn how to implement safe and secure authorization in the web...

Big Sport Returns to Pashino

Big Sport Returns to Pashino
On January 30 and 31, the status tournament - the championship of the Novosibirsk region on judo among young men and girls, which for many years has...

Modern children often suffer from chronic stress: the findings of scientists

Modern children often suffer from chronic stress: the findings of scientists
Where does children come from and how to defeat it? Chronic stress is the problem of many parents. But studies have shown that children face this problem...

Kochanova arrived at the "horizon". Learning buildings for "effective use of each meter"

Kochanova arrived at the "horizon". Learning buildings for "effective use of each meter"
Powerful, strong, prosperous is all about the plant "Horizon", however, in his distant-distant past. Now hundreds, and then thousands...

How much is the work of Merchandiser, Supervisor, sales representative?

How much is the work of Merchandiser, Supervisor, sales representative?
The portal shared the results of Salary Index - the annual monitoring of the average level of wages in the DIY, FMCG segments and BTIE....

The first two-year opera premiere "Wedding Figaro" gathered leading theatrical critics of Russia

The first two-year opera premiere "Wedding Figaro" gathered leading theatrical critics of Russia
February 14 in the Nizhny Novgorod State Theater Opera and Ballet named after A.S. Pushkin took place the first Opera Prime Minister V.A. Mozart "Wedding...

Up to 200 thousand rubles: Putin signed a new law on fines

Up to 200 thousand rubles: Putin signed a new law on fines
In Russia, it will be tougally punished for violations in organizing and financing mass shares, as well as for disobedience to law enforcement officers....

"He's continuing to live with this" - the Son of the easier-reaching for the first time told about who is guilty of the death of the singer

"He's continuing to live with this" - the Son of the easier-reaching for the first time told about who is guilty of the death of the singer
Son Matvey of Light-accessories first told about the last days of the life of his famous mother and her relationship with her husband Yuri Firsov. Valentine...

Life turtles in Texas under threat: Volunteers save animals from freezing

Life turtles in Texas under threat: Volunteers save animals from freezing
In the northern region of Texas, snow and frost are far from new phenomena, but there was no low temperature for a very low temperature. Due to the...

Actors-heterosexuals, masterfully played gays and lesbians

Actors-heterosexuals, masterfully played gays and lesbians
Can actons adhere to traditional sexual orientation, play in films of the role of representatives of the LGBT community? Quite strange, at first glance,...