Kochanova arrived at the "horizon". Learning buildings for "effective use of each meter"

Kochanova arrived at the
Kochanova arrived at the
Kochanova arrived at the
Kochanova arrived at the
Kochanova arrived at the

Powerful, strong, prosperous is all about the plant "Horizon", however, in his distant-distant past. Now hundreds, and then thousands of "squares" former production areas are leased. Lukashenko recently stated that the "horizon" is an excellent alternative to our PVT: "I needed an alternative in the country, and you are a good alternative," he said when visiting the holding, not particularly going into details. And today, Kochanova arrived at the "horizon" on his behalf. The main goal of the trip is to study the prospects for the development of the plant's territory, including the filling of unused buildings and their reconstruction, BelTA reports.

- It is worth the task of effective use of each meter of the territory of the holding under the placement of new industries so that people will be provided with the work and these production benefited the state. The possibility of accommodating research facilities, educational center, development of industries based on new and high technologies, expanding medical care for the population. This territory should be used with the benefit for the state and residents of the country, said the chairman of the Council of the Republic of Natalia Kochanova.

This paper will be actively involved by the Ministry of Industry, city authorities, as well as the potential of the scientific community - GKNT and the National Academy of Sciences.

- Products that the Horizon holding produces today should be linked to the economy and are actively used in the educational sector, the medical industry of the country. We have a little time, so the decision on this issue should be made in the very near future, it added.

The director of the company "Horizon-Belinvest-Developer" Inna Kovaleva said that at the moment the concept of the reconstruction of the production block "Horizon" was developed.

- Now she is put to discussion in order to adjust somewhere and start the immediate implementation of the project. Initially, there was a television production of the "horizon" plant. In the future, the plant was transferred to Sofia Kovalevskaya Street and began to prepare the platform for the project. This is the city center, and it is necessary to make the most effective investments in this place, "said Kovalev and stressed that the emphasis will be made on the production designed for intellectual work.

We will remind, in the spring of 17, the creators of the fashionable building number 6 at once, as part of the production premises of the "horizontal" sent notifications and claims to terminate the lease agreement. Because of the coronacrises, businessmen did not have customers, the events were rare, and the accounts were "reset". The "horizon-Belinvest-developer" forcibly wrote off the money on rent and was not ready to go to discounts that the business requested.

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