Articles #302

What function lacks a smart watch to become an ideal gadget

What function lacks a smart watch to become an ideal gadget
When the first smart watches appeared, it was something like a mutating descendant with old good "Montana", if some of the reading these lines remember...

In Russia, it is proposed to ban car loans

In Russia, it is proposed to ban car loans
According to the author of this initiative, such a radical measure will help to normalize the situation that established in the car market: prices are...

8 outstanding villains from films that visited the audience

8 outstanding villains from films that visited the audience
8 outstanding villains from movies who hated the audience Dmitry Eskin Hate to these negative characters united the world. Time Out remembered 8 moviemeys,...

How many fake bills found in Belarus over the past year and what banknotes are fake most often?

How many fake bills found in Belarus over the past year and what banknotes are fake most often?
In Belarus, last year, fake bills for 200 rubles were revealed for the first time. It is reported by the National Bank in his review. In just three quarters...

Online told about the most insane tuning projects of 2021

Online told about the most insane tuning projects of 2021
The Revision of the SPEEDME portal has published the rating of the most entertaining tuning projects of the current year. Opens a list of post van...

Black hole movement

Black hole movement
Researchers from the Harvard Smithsonian Center of Astrophysics (USA) first definitely recorded the case of movement of the supermassive black hole...

In 2017, $ 100 million from the Uber advertising budget went to fraudsters - it was accidentally found and did not suspect a trick

In 2017, $ 100 million from the Uber advertising budget went to fraudsters - it was accidentally found and did not suspect a trick
In total, 80% of the entire Vber advertising budget turned out to be ineffective. Co-founder of services Check My ADS and Sleeping Giants Nandini Giammy...

Creating and formatting hard disk sections in Linux

Creating and formatting hard disk sections in Linux
The purpose of the article is to consider the creation of hard drives and creating various file systems on the sections in Linux. Disc controls MBR and...

List chat newspapers Balakov. Lectures instead of prayer

List chat newspapers Balakov. Lectures instead of prayer
130 years ago Fancy backgrounds S. Balakovo. Winter this year gives everyone to feel: it began very early by strong frosts, which continue to keep...

The former Gepocoror of the USSR Alexander Sukharev, whose life began in the Voronezh region

The former Gepocoror of the USSR Alexander Sukharev, whose life began in the Voronezh region
Photo - Tasse The former prosecutor of the USSR died, which became a legend else during his lifetime. Alexander Sukharev died in Moscow at 97, as the...

Ceres - Roman Mother Earth and Goddess-sufferer

Ceres - Roman Mother Earth and Goddess-sufferer
Ceres - Roman Mother Earth and Goddess-suffererThe Roman goddess of Cerer has a lot of common features with its Greek analogue, Dememetra. It was represented...

Why it is worth abandoning the phrase "if only the baby was healthy"

Why it is worth abandoning the phrase "if only the baby was healthy"
The theme of violence in childbirth and traumatic experience of these birth and pregnancy is still being discussed - not only with us, but also abroad....

Potatoes, Resistant to Diseases, - Description of the best varieties

Potatoes, Resistant to Diseases, - Description of the best varieties
Good afternoon, my reader. Even experienced dacifices are not always able to collect a good potato harvest. This is due to the fact that the grated culture...

In Minsk, they noticed Tesla, which with the numbers there is something very strange

In Minsk, they noticed Tesla, which with the numbers there is something very strange
Oh, these numbers, which only does not happen to them! Then the leaf sticks out, then the dirt, then the paint tears, and so it is selectively...