How many fake bills found in Belarus over the past year and what banknotes are fake most often?


In Belarus, last year, fake bills for 200 rubles were revealed for the first time. It is reported by the National Bank in his review. In just three quarters of 2020, bank employees found 430 fake monetary signs - 429 bills and one coin (nominal 2 euro), Tut.BY.

How many fake bills found in Belarus over the past year and what banknotes are fake most often? 19629_1
Photo: Alexander Kvitkevich,

Most often still fake dollars. They were 48.6% among their fake monetary signs. In second place in the frequency of fake, Russian rubles - 37.2%. Euro among the revealed fake money amounted to 10.2%, Belarusian rubles - 3.7%. Other currencies, among which the Chinese yuan was only 0.2%.

If we compare with the same period of 2019, the number of fakes of each of the curled revealed decreased. Fake dollars have become less than 22%, Russian rubles - by 17.5%, euro - by 64.8%, Belarusian rubles - by 30.4% or 7 bills. If you look as a whole, then in comparison with three quarters of 2019 in the 2020-M fakes, it became less than 31.1%.

Most of the false money was found in Minsk - 37.7%. There are much less in the areas - from 4.9 to 14.7%. The fake money went in circulation and were seized in 42 settlements of Belarus.

As before, most often fake banknotes with a face value of 100 dollars. They were 89.5% among their false American currency. $ 50 bills - 6.7%. Fakes of smaller bills (20.10, 5 dollars) identified isolated cases.

If we talk about European currency, then there are most often raised banknotes in 500, 100 and 50 euros. And bills of 200 and 5 euros for three quarters were not revealed.

In the National Bank noted that "among the revealed fakes, the euro should note the banknote of a non-existent nominal value of 1000 euros, which represents a partial fake. It is made of genuine banknotes with a par value of 1000 Zimbabvian dollars, which produced a change in details. "

Most of the fakes among Russian rubles fell on 5,000 bills - there were 85.6%. For fakes in 2000 and 1000 rubles, as well as one denomination of 200 rubles were found.

Fake Belarusian banknotes were found in 9 months 16 pieces. These are bills of 200, 100, 50, 20 and 5 rubles. Banknotes denominated 10 rubles did not reveal. Most often faked bills of 50 rubles - among the fakes there were 50%. Also for the first time, two fake banknotes for 200 rubles were discovered. Tut.BY.

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