Articles #10

20 strange and funny photos from Google-cards

20 strange and funny photos from Google-cards
Everyone knows what Google Maps is - this special robotic equipment goes around the world and removes landscapes, then the computer program glues these...

9 types of Japanese arts who conquered the whole world with their originality

9 types of Japanese arts who conquered the whole world with their originality
For a long time, Japan was isolated from the outside world. In this regard, the Japanese culture did not experience the influence of the outside. In the...

Why do you need customs and what should it be?

Why do you need customs and what should it be?
Why do you need customs and what should it be? Photo: Depositphotos.All who at least crossed the state border know what customs is. Border Guard and...

Business books that have read all over the world

Business books that have read all over the world
In addition to the list of business books, popular last year in Russia, we have prepared a selection of foreign business books that received awards...

Kazakhstan lawyers have announced plans to create a law batch

Kazakhstan lawyers have announced plans to create a law batch
Kazakhstan lawyers have announced plans to create a law batchAlmaty. March 18. KazTAG - lawyers of Kazakhstan announced plans to create a law party,...

Franz toast: we finished assembling chassis

Franz toast: we finished assembling chassis
On the eve of the head of Alphatauri, the Frank toasts turned 65 years old. Despite the round date, the Austrian specialist did not be distracted...

Microsoft: Chinese hackers actively attack American companies

Microsoft: Chinese hackers actively attack American companies
Microsoft announced the release of a major update for Exchange Server, which was done "due to the high risk of CyberTak through the old versions of...

Auto with Jan Coomans: Porsche in Celebrate - Higher Level Racing in the Digital World

Auto with Jan Coomans: Porsche in Celebrate - Higher Level Racing in the Digital World
With the arrival of winter, when in the real world most racing cars are either stubcounted for warm storage, or disassembled for bulk and overhaul,...

Reducing VAT rates for some companies and a number of other anti-crisis measures announced in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Reducing VAT rates for some companies and a number of other anti-crisis measures announced in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Reducing VAT rates for some companies and a number of other anti-crisis measures announced in the Republic of KazakhstanAstana. 25 February. KazTag...

Stagnation 2.0: Upper Russian Economy

Stagnation 2.0: Upper Russian Economy
In January 2021, the leading Russian economists were going to the traditional Gaidar Forum. 50 thousand participants and 150 hours of the program in...

How to communicate with a sarcastic child: tips for parents

How to communicate with a sarcastic child: tips for parents
When his ridiculs become hurt With age, the child more and more copies the habits and manner of behavior of other people. And not all of these habits...

14 plants capable of scaring mice from the garden

14 plants capable of scaring mice from the garden
Good afternoon, my reader. Rodents with a mass appearance in the garden are able to destroy a significant part of the crop. Chemical preparations for the...

Why from the birth of baby kid dad needs to be involved in his life?

Why from the birth of baby kid dad needs to be involved in his life?
A young woman at the playground drank a stroller with a baby and parallel complained to the next girlfriend, whose child ahead of her older played next...

20+ women after giving birth told about the things that they would like to know before they became pregnant

20+ women after giving birth told about the things that they would like to know before they became pregnant
Pregnancy is not always a predictable and carefully planned stage in the life of a woman. Futive mothers often have to make such tights and deprivation,...