Kazakhstan lawyers have announced plans to create a law batch


Kazakhstan lawyers have announced plans to create a law batch

Kazakhstan lawyers have announced plans to create a law batch

Almaty. March 18. KazTAG - lawyers of Kazakhstan announced plans to create a law party, reports the agency correspondent.

"Initiative group of lawyers in Kazakhstan will create a law batch!" - the lawyer Rena Kerimov said on his social network page.

Recall, in early February, Kazakhstan lawyer Salimzhan Musin presented an extract from the protocol of the meeting of the Board of National Infocommunication Holding "Zerde", which says that Holding T4.39 billion from the net profit of the NIT JSC in the amount of T5,28 wants to pay as Dividends - the document is published on the background of intentions to collect from lawyers and legal advisions monthly money for the use of the information system (IP) of the NIT. On February 5, Kazakhstani lawyers opposed the increase in the financial burden.

The famous lawyer and a member of the National Council of Public Trust (NSOD) Ayman Umarov said as a result of the intention of lawyers to enter the rally.

She recalled that Kazakhstan President Kasim-Zhomart Tokayev expressed its position on the fifth meeting of the NAO position regarding the lawyer: "The bar must be strong and independent", which is the key to the construction of a democratic society.

"However, the Ministry of Justice and other government agencies continue to interfere with the activities of the lawyer by providing pressure through local departments of justice to the fair elections of the Chairman of the RCA (Republican lawyers of lawyers - KazTAG), and some individuals are engaged in promoting changes to legislation on the size of membership fees (solving for us) . We believe that for a deal with NIT JSC ("National Information Technologies" - KazTAG) There are corruption interests ... But this is not all what we want to say. Further we go, worse it becomes. We go to the rally! " - said Umarov.

On March 12, it became known that the lawyer rally in Almaty was banned in connection with Quarantine, the press secretary of the Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control (DSEC) of Almaty Balxle Alechenova said. Umarov expressed the opinion that the chief state sanitary doctor of Almaty Zeaddarbek Bekshin violated the Constitution and the law on rallies. The lawyers still went to the streets, but in order to personally declare the transfer of the rally.

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