Now need to report on income when replenishing the contribution? And when exchanging currency? Just about new mechanics for monitoring banking operations


Now need to report on income when replenishing the contribution? And when exchanging currency? Just about new mechanics for monitoring banking operations 9955_1
Evgenia Yablonskaya for "BankinformService" January 10 entered into force the amendment to the "anti-optical" law 115-ФЗ, which unexpectedly gave rise to a mass of unjustified rumors. The Central Bank and Rosfinmonitoring had to speak with clarifications, but the statements are not always convenient for understanding, and we decided to translate this topic to the most simple format - the most relevant issues for ordinary people and answers.

What did the new law changed in relation to the operations of individuals with bank accounts and currency exchange?


How is nothing? They say, the control fell and enrollment at the expense of cash in the amount of 600 thousand rubles or more.

This concerns only legal entities (business). Under the mandatory control, all the removal and enrollment of cash on the accounts of the Jurlitz in the amount of 600 thousand rubles and more, while before it was only related to operations not related to the nature of the activities of this legal entity. Cash operations on the accounts of individuals are not subject to mandatory control.

And currency exchange?

But the cash exchange of currencies in individuals in the amount of 600 thousand rubles and is more subject to compulsory control. But it was so before, fresh amendments are neither.

By the way, the same belongs to the purchase of a saline for cash of securities or cash in the authorized capital of any organization.

600 thousand rubles - is it the sum of one operation or all operations for a period?

The sum of one operation.

And how to understand "mandatory control"? Does a person have to confirm the origin of his money when conducting such an operation?

Not. It is meant only that data on such operations banks are required to send to Rosfinmonitoring.

That is, banks cannot require documents confirming the origin of funds from the client?

May. But this is not connected with the threshold of 600 thousand rubles, banks have their own secret criteria for which they can consider the operation suspicious.


"The rule that the Bank has the right to request documents on the source of the money is directly provided by P.P. 1.1 p. 1 Art. 7 of the Federal Law No. 115-FZ. The law does not establish the threshold value of the operation, when making the bank to request information / documents on the source of money. The situations under which the credit institution implements its right is established by it independently in the Internal Control Rules. This information is "closed" and to customers is not communicated, "explained in the press service of the bank" Neiva ".

"According to paragraph 14 of Article 7, 115-FZ, customers are obliged to provide organizations carrying out operations with cash or other property, the information necessary for the fulfillment of the requirements of the Federal Law. Therefore, when receiving a request of the bank, the client is obliged to provide the requested documents, the amount of funds on the operation does not have the value, "adds the head of the FinMonitoring Service Uvrir Alexey Martyanov.

And what changes then introduced by the new law?

In practical terms, these amendments do not have much. For example, all real estate transactions have fallen under the obligatory control, the amount of which is at least 3 million rubles (earlier - only transactions with the transfer of property rights), postal transfers in the amount of 100 thousand rubles and more leasing operations in the amount of 600 thousand rubles and more. Released from under control the exchange of one nominal banknotes to another. When paying jewelry with non-cash ("Using a personalized electronic means"), it became not necessary to show a passport if the amount of the purchase is less than 200 thousand rubles (earlier - 100 thousand). Also, a number of clarifications are submitted to the law.

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