How the online showcase helped cookies Bellissimo Save customers


During the location period, a small family cooking Bellissimo, operating on 8 square meters. m in the center of Krasnodar, became popular: against the background of the closure of large cafes and restaurants, the number of customers increased by 20%, sales - by 35%. However, a small business immediately ran into difficulties: many buyers wanted to order food in advance and pick up at a certain time. The Bellisimo team tried to receive orders on the phone and with whatsapp, but it began to take a lot of time and still caused confusion. Then a solution appeared - quickly make an online display case using the MAG1C service. And it saved the situation! In our article, we will tell about the project in detail.

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The Bellissimo Cooking works in the center of Krasnodar on the territory of the city center shopping district. Family business 6 years ago created Alina Aramovna ovhannesian. She also prepares all the dishes and packs them for buyers. The second employee is the daughter of the mistress Nelli Petrosovna - performs the tasks of the Seller-Cashier. She processes, collects and gives orders, offers to try drinks and baking. In the assortment of cooking about 50 positions: the first, second dishes, salads, desserts and drinks. Every day, the institution serves 50-70 people, the average check - 150 rubles.

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The Bellissimo Cooking has become popular during a quarantine period with the closure of large cafes and restaurants. The number of permanent visitors arriving at lunch increased by 20%, sales increased by 35%. Increasing the buyer's flow led to the fact that the dishes often ended, and had to refuse to maintain new customers. Customers who wanted to make an order in advance and pick up at a certain time, they wrote in whatsapp or called on the phone, and it began to take a lot of time, the forces were mistaken and lining. The need for a solution that will automate the process of receiving orders, their accounting and reporting has become apparent.

The Cooking Accountant has already been recorded and passed the reporting in "1C: Accounting" through the cloud service At first there was an idea to use the CRM system, but the possibilities of CRM were redundant: it became clear that additional work would appear on making transactions, sites or forms, exchange.

Then they tried to make mailing and chats in Whatsapp, but it turned out that it was not possible to control the remnants and quickly track what was in stock. Could forget and sell what the client ordered, and there was no longer ordered dishes to his arrival.

As a result, they stopped on the proposal of Internet specialists to create a web showcase with the help of a simple and convenient new tool - the MAG1C service, and lead the entire record to lead in "1C: management of our company" in service To work promptly with orders on a mobile device, they connected the mobile application "1C: UNF" in the cloud.

How does Bellissimo work after automation?

Step 1. Preparing the menu and sending invitations to customers.

At the beginning of the day, the cook makes up the menu and records the remnants of "1C: UNF". Sends to customers through WhatsApp and exposes statuses in the main networks with reference to the online storefront in the MAG1C service.

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Step 2. Buyers make orders through a web showcase.

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Step 3. Processing and preparation of orders.

The cook sees orders and postpones (without removal) or prepares the dishes of the honeycomb.

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Step 4. Issue orders.

Customers come and receive orders.

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Step 5. Registration of sales in the program.

At the end of the day, the cook draws up sales, and the outsourcing accountant reflects retail sales in 1C: Accounting in the cloud. To do this, organized the exchange between the bases "1C: UNF" and "1C: Accounting".

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Project results

As a result of automation, planning the cooking was easier. Accelerated work with buyers ordered by a certain period. Time to process orders has decreased by 3 times.

The seller-cashier has time to offer customers related products. As a result, the average check increased 2 times. Buyers began to additionally acquire drinks and baking.

Now the Bellissimo Cooking is negotiating a lease of a more spacious room to get the opportunity to serve more customers and continue to grow.

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