How to calculate what you are watching (even if it is hidden)

How to calculate what you are watching (even if it is hidden) 9862_1

Each of us has a sense of discomfort, being in the hotel, public transport, hospital ward or other public places.

We offer to learn how to determine if there is a hidden camera in the room

Each of us has a sense of discomfort, being in the hotel, public transport, hospital ward or other public places.

It does not rarely begin to seem that someone is observing you, but as a rule, we all try to drive such thoughts away. But in fact, it may well be. After all, the hidden camera is not always in your eyes. It is called "hidden." If you intend to determine if there is a hidden camera in the room, it will help you avoid many awkward situations.

Take a picture of the room
How to calculate what you are watching (even if it is hidden) 9862_2
Photo: © BigPicture

If you entered the room and suspect something is wrong. You need to turn off the light in the room and with the flash turned on to rent a room on camera. Now you have to carefully study the picture. When flashlight, you can easily notice the glare from the camera lens. In the picture they will look like small white dots. But the fact is that most surveillance cameras in the dark highlight the room in the infrared range. Such a light cannot catch human vision, but the smartphone is one hundred percent.

Native place
How to calculate what you are watching (even if it is hidden) 9862_3
Photo: © BigPicture

Nowadays, technology develops very quickly and now companies began to do so small cameras that they can hide them anywhere. So if you have suspicions, start by checking all the cabinets, figurines, flower pots, shelves and all places where theoretically you could hide the camera.

It is possible that the camera can be in some niche, and a special hole is made to record the lens. In this case, your task will become more difficult, but do not forget about the first rule of camera calculation.

Look at the details
How to calculate what you are watching (even if it is hidden) 9862_4
Photo: © BigPicture

"This vase does not fit into the interior of the room, and at the o'clock some strange dial. If you have such thoughts, then it is better to make sure that it is not a place to install the cameras, but just a lambent of the owners of the room. Recording devices are usually located in such places.

Download Script
How to calculate what you are watching (even if it is hidden) 9862_5
Photo: © BigPicture

Julian Oliver Developer developed a special script that helps people defend their privacy. If you run it on your mobile device, you can not only find camera-running cameras, but also stop data transfer.

The script will be like never by the way. After all, most modern cameras transmit data through Wi-Fi. But do not forget that in some countries, such interference in someone else's network is punishable by law. For example, in America, you can immediately go to prison. And there it will not work out from the surveillance cameras.

Calm down
How to calculate what you are watching (even if it is hidden) 9862_6
Photo: © BigPicture

It should be understood that even the most honest landlords install cameras in their apartments. It is necessary to protect themselves from the violations of the User and when necessary to receive monetary compensation. But you must warn you about the recording device. And otherwise, you have the right to complain about law enforcement agencies.

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