Honest survey: what gifts are Grodno men want to get on February 23


On the eve of the male holiday "Day of Defender of the Fatherland" Day, the correspondent entered the center of Grodno and interviewed men. Asked the opinion of the strong sex about the gifts that they would like to receive on February 23. What happened from this - read in our material.

Andrei, 45 years

Honest survey: what gifts are Grodno men want to get on February 23 9738_1

"It's nice that you take comments about this holiday. February 23 I consider a very important day. This is a good and memorable date. For me, an excellent gift would be to get something out of power tools. Paid service builders are good, but almost all men prefer all the repair work on the house to take over. Such a present is very necessary in the farm and the future problem with the tool for the husband will be solved. "

Arthur, 27 years old

Honest survey: what gifts are Grodno men want to get on February 23 9738_2

"This holiday I do not highlight. The most common day in the calendar. The main thing is not to give us socks. Not in vain the address of this gift is invented so much jokes. Maybe this thing is practical, but the association with it is painfully strange. "

Vitaly, 28 years old

Honest survey: what gifts are Grodno men want to get on February 23 9738_3

"I would really wanted a female half always directly asked about to give a man to any holiday. There is nothing worse than unnecessary gifts. The present in the form of a surprise can also be, but only when you know exactly what a specific man is like. Imagine: You spend your time on the selection of an unnecessary gift and pay money for it. And the man does not like what he got. It's a shame of two. "

Alexander, 39 years old with wife inna, 36 years

Honest survey: what gifts are Grodno men want to get on February 23 9738_4

"It seems to me that gifts should be memorable and no matter how much they cost. Presents should be special and emphasize the individuality of the person. You can give something cheap, which will mean a lot for the host. I consider the dishes a good gift. This we use daily. Socks are also the beautiful and necessary trifle, especially when 5 pairs are given at once. "

Sergey, 36 years old with wife Marina and daughter ya

"A gift should be a gift. Ask in advance - spoil a surprise and pleasant expectations to a person. I really no matter what I will get. The main thing is that it will be from the soul. Our girls remember about us and want to congratulate - this is the most important thing. And how exactly they will do it already do not matter. "

Danila, 19 years old

Honest survey: what gifts are Grodno men want to get on February 23 9738_5

"The February 23 holiday for me is not important. Of course, some trifle man give you to give (smiling young man). It seems to me that for men there will be a good gift. We do not love to go shopping and choose your things. The same socks are also an indispensable and necessary subject in the male wardrobe. I think it is better to always clarify what exactly the person you are going to make a gift. The main thing is not to give money. Whatever the holiday was and whom you would not have planned to give them. "

Andrei, 25 years old with bride Diana, 21 years

Honest survey: what gifts are Grodno men want to get on February 23 9738_6

"Holiday, of course, waiting. What specifically a gift will not matter to me. The main thing is that such a kind gesture comes from the soul. It is always nice. Of course, it is very cool when the present is useful, and not just standing on the shelf for years and dust. It seems to me that when you are very familiar with a person, strong torment with the choice "And what to give?" Never arise. You just always yourself guess what you can please a person. "

Peter, 31 years old with wife Natalia, 28 years

Honest survey: what gifts are Grodno men want to get on February 23 9738_7

"I believe that February 23 is a holiday for those who served. Quietly treat all gifts. Nothing even in the head comes to call you. Of course, it is always better to give what a man is useful. It is the necessary present that the kaleidoscope of bright moments of life can be replenished. "

Original Unusual Gifts for February 23, you can buy in Mayster from Kamara to watch this publication in Instagram

Cyril, 25 years old

"I do not consider this day with some important. There are a lot of red dates in the calendar, which in fact do not need anyone. I'm not waiting for anything from the holiday. I can buy everything yourself. Choose yourself and pay yourself. When they give some nonsense, it is not a kind gesture, but unpleasant and imposed emotions. "

Vadim, 36 years old

Honest survey: what gifts are Grodno men want to get on February 23 9738_8

"Of course, the Day of Defender of the Fatherland is a very important holiday of the year. There are a lot of pleasant little things, which, indeed, will delight men. At work, we were given a flash card, mugs and knives. Of course, these are wonderful gifts that will not lie without a business. We use with colleagues all listed and to today. It was such that was given and toiletries. Of course, these men also use, but these ordinary care objects ends very quickly and leave the memory. I consider socks bad gift. It is very trite. "

Mamed, 21 years old

Honest survey: what gifts are Grodno men want to get on February 23 9738_9

"I can argue about the gifts to men for any holiday. I believe that women should not give their chosen by expensive presents. Still, a man must do himself dear buy, and not hope for a girl. Silent gifts I consider sets of candies, socks and all sorts of romantic souvenirs. "

Alexey 34 years

"Defender of the Fatherland Day I consider a very old holiday, the remnant of the past. But if the girl really wants to make a pleasant present to his boyfriend, then why not? I am always for gifts-impressions. You can give tickets to the cinema or schedule a meeting in pizzeria. Emotions from such campaigns will remain with a man for a long time. It is always pleasant emotions and colorful impressions. I consider the gift certificate to be a good gift to any store or salon, which is visited by your chosen one.

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