Turgumbayev thanked Tokaeva for raising wages and improving the police officer


Turgumbayev thanked Tokaeva for raising wages and improving the police officer

Turgumbayev thanked Tokaeva for raising wages and improving the police officer

Astana. February 5th. KazTAG - Internal Affairs Minister Yerlan Turgumbayev thanked President Kasym-Zhomart Tokayeva for raising wages and improving the social package of police officers, the press service of Axes.

"The head of state received the Minister of Internal Affairs Yerlan Turgumbayev. The President was informed about the results of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2020 and the state of the criminogenic environment. According to the minister, crime has decreased by 37%, the number of thefts, robes, robberies, hooligans and rapes has significantly decreased. The level of security on the streets and other public places has increased. The number of road traffic accidents, as well as citizens injured and those who died in them, are declined, "the report on Friday said.

Kasim-Zhomart Tokayev stressed that the work in these areas should be kept on constant control.

The head of state also heard a report on the results of the execution of previously given instructions. Erlan Turgumbayev reported that 2021 in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was declared a year of the prevention of offenses, and was discussed in detail on the implementation of projects for the reform of the internal affairs bodies. In particular, it was about the introduction of a service model of work, to ensure the principle of "Police of step accessibility", reforming the service of precinct inspectors.

In addition, the President was familiar with the projects on the digitalization of the activities of the internal affairs bodies and with the first results of the launch of the POLICE 102 mobile application, allowing citizens to quickly contact the police.

Kasim-Zhomart Tokayev focused on the need for a qualitative reform, which makes it possible to achieve tangible results in increasing citizens' confidence in the police. In this context, the Minister of Internal Affairs reported on improving the system of personnel selection, approval of new qualifying requirements, forming anti-corruption immunity, strengthening ideological and image work.

A separate unit was the presentation of information on the modernization of a criminal executive system and measures to improve the conditions for the content of convicts, ensuring their employment, as well as the introduction of solid video surveillance in colonies.

The Minister handed over to the president of the words of gratitude to employees for state support measures in the form of wage and improving the social package.

Following the meeting, the head of state gave a number of instructions aimed at further raising the level of law enforcement in the country, strengthening citizen confidence in the police and ensuring an effective confrontation with modern challenges and threats. Kasim-Zhomart Tokayev also considers it important to continue working on the digitalization of public services.

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