The widow of Kobzon intervened in the conflict of love of Assumption with his daughter


Ninel Mikhailovna spoke of an excessive independence of Tatiana Plaksina

The widow of Kobzon intervened in the conflict of love of Assumption with his daughter 13877_1
Lyubov Uspenskaya, Tatyana Plaksina,

A few days ago, Tatiana Plaksina returned to Moscow - Mom made a gorgeous gift for the birthday of the birthday. The Queen of the Russian chanson has already stated that it was the most beautiful day of her birthday - after all, she finally recalled with his beloved daughter. Nellie Kobzon commented on the behavior of Tanya. In her opinion, the girl no longer argue with her mother and take radical independent steps:

I think that she already had enough independence, and she did not cope with her, it seems to me that now it is necessary to spend more time together, they talked more, they spoke, they trusted each other more

- Quotes the widow of Joseph Kobzon ..

We remind you that the scandal flared up after Last year, Tanya accused Mama in cruelty last year. After that, she went to the Father in the United States. Fortunately, all misunderstandings are already behind - Mom and daughter as before - the most native people in the world.

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