The Northern Samarock Polygon has been promised to close for several years, but trash is still carrying there. What happens to the giant landfill near Petersburg and how residents are fighting with her


Since the 1970s, the North Samarka polygon works near St. Petersburg. Initially, he took only construction garbage, but then the dump began to bring waste of all classes of danger. There are regularly recorded excess of chemical pollution, although gardening and the village of Koltushi are nearby.

The authorities of the Leningrad region have been promised to close the landfill for several years, the locals spend protests and write complaints to various departments. "Paper" tells what is happening with one of the largest landfills near Petersburg.

The Northern Samarock Polygon exists from the mid-1970s, about 30 million tons of waste have accumulated there. Nearby are horticulture and the village of Koltushi

10 kilometers from St. Petersburg there is a trash pad "Northern Samarka" 33 hectares. The height of the garbage is 50 meters.

The polygon was opened in 1974. Initially, it was intended only for construction debris, but in zero there began to bring firm-houses of the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade of danger, that is, including ordinary household garbage. Since 2016, the polygon can take waste of all hazard classes.

From the moment of opening at the landfill, about 30 million tons of garbage accumulated. In 2020, according to the territorial scheme, about 500 thousand tons of waste were sent there, most of which comes from St. Petersburg.

Around the landfill there are several large gardening, 1.5 kilometers - the village of Koltushi, 4 kilometers - a novel village. Next to the polygon are swamps and several small streams flowing into a black river, which, in turn, is connected to the Neva.

The Northern Samarock Polygon has been promised to close for several years, but trash is still carrying there. What happens to the giant landfill near Petersburg and how residents are fighting with her 9539_1
Photo: Local residents are fighting against the landfill for almost 10 years. They blocked the road to him and built into the word sos

Since 2012, local residents demand to close "Northern Samara", are being sent with various departments, they write complaints and conduct protests. In March 2020, dissatisfied lined up into the word SOS to pay attention to the problem, and in December they blocked the road leading to the polygon, and for a while they blocked his work.

Local residents complain that the garbage mountain is seated in the ground, and it is not isolated from groundwater itself. In 2017, activists conducted a raid at the landfill, during which the importation of liquid waste was recorded.

Back in 2013, the Leningrad Environmental Prosecutor's Office recognized the ground at the "extremely dangerous" polygon for chemical pollution. In 2015, the examination showed that ammonium concentration in the waters around the polygon exceeded 60 times, arsenic and lead - twice, and in March 2020, in a non-margin, the landfill was recorded excess of copper and phenol. As the activist and a resident of SNT "South Samarka" said "Paper" Dmitry Makracchenko, there are sometimes fires on the landfill, the smoke from which comes to the nearest gardening, as well as regular bulk gas emissions.

In October 2017, the deputy Maxim Reznik said that, including the Northern Samarka, part of the waste from the site of the demolished State Applied Institute of Chemistry is exported. Reznik, referring to the "Greenpeace" data, argued that at the construction site at that time could be the soils of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd hazard class.

The owners of Northern Samarka planned to double its capacity, recolarativeing ​​the existing landfill. But this did not do

In 1998, ZAO "Promoters" entered into an agreement with the MO "Vsevolozhsky district", according to which the company leased 61 hectares of the Earth. The part is used for landfill, another 22 hectares were supposed to be given under the extension.

In early 2018, it became known that ZAO "Promotions" plans to invest up to 400 million rubles in the modernization of the landfill in order to increase the capacity almost twice. The project was criticized on public hearings, the Commission of the State Environmental Expertise made a negative opinion and the project was sent to refinement.

In 2019, the renewed project documentation on the landfill was transferred to Rosprirodnadzor without public hearings, which led to a trial, during which the court recognized the conduct of environmental impact assessment.

The reconstruction project suggested that the platform where waste is now being reached, recultivated. The second queue was to be opened in the existing borders to date, that is, on the territory of the developed career. The project assumed the water dilution, the dumping of the territory and the construction of waterproofing structures. However, activists and Alexander Karpov in a conversation with "Paper" reported that it is impossible, since the terrain around the polygon is swallowed.

The Northern Samarock Polygon has been promised to close for several years, but trash is still carrying there. What happens to the giant landfill near Petersburg and how residents are fighting with her 9539_2
Photo: The power of the Leningrad region has been promised to close the polygon for several years. Local administration and Rosprirodnadzor are shipped with the owner of the landfill

Back in 2018, in the Administration, the Leningrad region stated that in the 2020th, the dump would be closed. In the spring of 2020, the North-West Directorate of Rosprirodnadzor through the court was trying to suspend the work of ZAO "Promoters", since in 2019 specialists of the department found that Northern Samarock is overflowed by 6.5 million cubic meters. The court refused the lawsuit, since the examination on which the conclusions of Rospotrebnadzor were based in 2006 and 2007 and they did not have references to Soviet documentation. The agency could not confirm that the project capacity of the landfill is 20 million cubic meters.

In the summer of 2020, against the background of rumors about the start of work on the expansion of the Polygon, the Leningrad region said again that the landfill will be closed. In November 2020, the governor of the region in Instagram promised that this would happen by the beginning of 2021. The press service of the Leningrad region administration confirmed that according to the updated territorial scheme of the region, which will be published in the third or fourth quarter of 2021, the expansion of the landfill is not planned.

In 2021, the administration of the Vsevolozhsky district filed to CJSC "Promoters" due to violations of the terms of the contract between the tenant and the MO "Vsevolozhsky district Lo". According to the document, the landfill recultivation should have started in 2007-2008, but this did not happen. The administration requires that within three months after the decision of the CJSC "Promoters" provided a reclamation project and began it. The date of consideration of the case has been shifted several times. At the time of publishing the material, the court session was appointed on March 16, 2021.

Active residents of the nearest gardening surveyed by "paper" do not believe that the test site will be closed in 2021. In the regional committee for utilization of waste "paper", they stated that they did not have information about the timing of the closure and the further fate of the landfill. The editorial board of "Paper" was also failed to get a comment by ZAO "Promoters".

In Rosprirodnadzor, "Paper" reported that if the polygon after expiration continues to take waste, then it is possible to stop its work only by court decision. The basis for addressing the court should be entered into force materials of administrative cases confirming the exhaustion of capacities and violations in the work. As noted in the press service, now in the courts of several instances of Rosprirodnadzor, it is trying to prove the validity of the administrative measures applied to the "Promoters" CJSC. After that, the departments may appear the grounds that will be able to initiate a trial.

Almost all polygons of the Leningrad region are overflowing. The garbage reform was postponed until 2022

Petersburg does not have its own capacities to work with garbage, so all waste is exported to the Leningrad region, which in 2018 entered the top ten regions with an exhausted resource of the polygons. In addition, in 2013, one of the largest polygons was closed near St. Petersburg - the Southern Volkhonskoye Highway, and in 2017 - Novoselki.

At the end of January 2021, Zaks Leningrad region adopted a law on regulating waste management. It prohibits from 2023 to engage in the disposal of waste, if they can be disposed of. Despite this, the polygons are not treated. For example, on February 1, 2021, according to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 303, the meadow opened a previously canned landfill at the village of Sorochino (former village Mrsha). It is assumed that it will work until 2023.

The capacity of other regional polygons is also at the limit. So, one of the largest regional landfills under Gatchina "New World" exhausted its resources in 2022, the expansion of the polygons in Volosov, Kungolov and Lepsari, is also caused by the company's protests, and companies cannot undergo environmental expertise and public hearings. Everything else, the MBPO-2 plant in Janin and on the Volkhonskoye highway from January 1, 2021 suspended the reception of waste for an indefinite period.

In 2012, the Smolny developed an "regional program for applying for MSB in St. Petersburg from 2012 to 2020." It implied the introduction of a separate garbage collection, the construction of four garbage processing plants with a total capacity of 2 million tons of waste per year. In addition, GLONASS systems should be installed on garbage trucks - to reduce the number of illegal landfills and reduce the amount of waste imported without documents.

Back in 2019, St. Petersburg should have joined the garbage reform, however, the city took advantage of the postponement provided by the State Duma for the three cities of the federal significance - St. Petersburg, Moscow and Sevastopol. It is assumed that the reform will earn in 2022.

A year ago, in St. Petersburg protested against the idea of ​​the construction of garbage incorporation plants. Read the paper "Paper" about how such production is dangerous and what is known about the plans of the authorities?

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