Than laundering a kitchen apron quickly and without much effort


Located in the "hot" in all senses zone, a kitchen apron like a magnet attracts dirt to himself. Even with regular cleaning, sometimes it is sometimes not easy to wash it away from the layer of fat and constantly maintain clean.

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What can cleaned an apron in the kitchen

Do not even try to drop the solar stains of oils and residues of food by an ordinary cloth. As a rule, only a special elastic sponge with a rigid surface copes with the purification of this zone. But even it shows the best result only in tandem with household chemicals: gels, sprays and powders for tiles and tiles.

If one type of gel or powder does not help, you should not mix several compositions on the surface. Their components may be incompatible with each other, and the resulting reaction is completely able to irrevocably spoil the surface. Better try to quive the apron of steam to melt a layer of fat, make it softer and pliable to cleaning.

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Important! A slightly heated liquid cleaning agent works more efficiently than a similar room temperature composition.

Try slightly warm it up, and only then apply to the problem area. However, carefully read the instructions on the package, as some means of household chemicals can be distinguished by harmful substances.

How to wash the kitchen apron: folk remedies

At the time of our grandmothers, there were no such number of aggressive household chemicals. But the problem with stains on the kitchen apron existed already then, and solved it with simple and affordable handicrafts.

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  1. A vinegar solution. Divide a vinegar with boiled water temperature (or slightly higher) and spend the contaminated place. If it does not help, try to increase the concentration of vinegar or to heat it slightly.
  2. Lemon acid. This remedy is great for a apron of stone or white tile. It not only helps to remove fat, but also whitens the surface, and also has an antibacterial effect. It is enough to wet contaminated areas with warm water, and then apply dry citric acid on it and rub. An even more effective way: to process the apron of pasta from the granules of acid and a small amount of water.
  3. Soap solution. To prepare this simple, but the effective means simply soda a little soap on the grater, and then mix the chips with warm water. Moisten the sponge in the resulting dense composition, and then spend her the most problem areas.
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The result will be noticeable at the next general cleaning, when it also does not have to spend a lot of time and forces on the cleansing of this zone, as before.

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How to save a kitchen apron clean

The kitchen, where often cook a lot, is difficult to constantly keep in order. But if at hand, the hostess will always be sponges and cleaning products, it will be much easier to do it. It is enough to devote a few minutes a day by quick cleaning so that the flax spots do not accumulate on the apron.

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