Ornaments in Ethno Style: Trend Solutions


Ethno style displays the distinctive features of hundreds of cultures. It does not come out of fashion, but only transforms under its needs.

Ethno-style decorations - bright and unique products with a set of specific characteristics.

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Ethno-style decorations: Main features

The distinctive features of ethno-jewelery are a specific combination of colors, a set of materials used, special techniques.

Applying protective drawings and patterns on the products - it began to form an ethno style in the jewelry. Each people have their own ancient culture, which is inextricably linked with traditions and beliefs. Protective amulets and talismans, as a long-standing "ancestors" of most modern decorations, were distinguished by a certain combination of colors, applying mandatory characters. This trend has become decisive in modern decorations in ethno style.

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Despite the obvious differences between the cultures of different peoples in many areas, several key features that are characteristic of all arthoe products can be distinguished:

  • the variety of materials used (combined bones and leather, wood and fabric, metal and bones);
  • Bright color gamut - the use of contrasting colors (red-green, blue-yellow);
  • massiveness - as a result of fashion trends for the last few years;
  • Hair decorations - key accessory in any ethno-culture;
  • Images from flora and fauna (birds, insects, animals).
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Ornaments in Ethno Style: Trend Solutions 12011_4

Products in ethno-style have a key feature: such accessories are not suitable for every girl, and it is necessary to choose them to choose them with the tone of the skin. For example, white-skinned girls can wear Slavic and Japanese accessories, and women with tanned skin - African and Indian.

Exclusive ethnic style decorations are available in a wide variety of solutions. Rings and bracelets, pendants and hair accessories - products of various shapes and colors, perfectly combined with various clothes styles.

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A successful addition for both everyday images and for evening outfits, decorations in style ethno are often made of natural stones. Precious Emeralds, Beryl, Diamonds, in combination with gold or semi-precious stones in silver frames, DIAL MATERIALS WITH THE BEADER In one accessory - all these products in an ethno-style.

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Necklaces, earrings, bracelets and other popular accessories from talented authors are suitable not only for embroidered national clothing. They are superbly combined with many things of modern fashion wardrobe. It is important that the jewelry or jewelry in ethno-style has a mandatory designer rethink.

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To choose an ethno decoration, you need to consider several rules:

  • The product must correspond to the type of appearance of the hostess;
  • The accessory must be made of high-quality materials;
  • putting on jewelry, it should be limited to one major accessory;
  • The product in the image must be supported stylistically (drawing on clothing, hairstyle, animal print on shoes or bag).
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Ornaments in Ethno Style: Trend Solutions 12011_9

Bright and exciting imagination style ethno retains popularity, allowing brave and original people to emphasize their individuality.

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