The Government of the Russian Federation "Wrapped" the draft law on the decline in retirement age: Irkutsk reaction


Irkutsk, Moscow, 3.03.21 (IA Teleinform), - The Russian government did not support the draft law of Senator Vasily Iconnikov on lowering the retirement age. Teleinform collected the opinions of Irkutan on this topic.

According to federal media, the bill was assumed to reduce the age of the exit to the angle pension from 65 years to 61 for men and from 60 to 56 years for women. Also Vasily Ikonnikov offered to reduce the work experience for early pensions: from 42 to 38 years old - men, from 37 to 33 years old - women. Men's social retirement social retirement would receive from 66, and not from 70 years old, women from 61, and not from 65 years.

However, the government commission on bill activities in his recall stated that the need to lower the retirement age is not confirmed by the statistical data obtained during the enforcement, and the analysis of current legal norms justifying their inefficiency. "

Political analyst, chief editor of the "Baikal Westa" Yuri Pronin believes that the topic of the reverse decline in retirement age from the agenda is not removed, and those parties that will decide to speak in the elections to the State Duma will find a response from the voter, although it will cause discontent in the government countries:

- I think that now, in conditions, when the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic are still might and main, it is not necessary to count on the reverse decline in retirement age. But in principle, the increase that was produced in 2018, I consider it a low-oblated. It did not give much money to the federal budget. It was possible to find these means by other methods. In addition, the overwhelming majority of the population relate to this increase negatively. Another thing is that active protests were few. But this is most likely due to the fact that for young people who are still far away, as well as those who are already pensioners, it is still not such an acute topic. The most negatively, those who were not far to retirement were taught, and she moved away. But it is not such a large number of people.

According to the political scientist, it should be borne in mind that the amount of pension in Russia is not so large. But you should not reduce the topic to the calculations "Who lives how much". If there were several other pension in the country, the argument on raising the retirement age would be more relevant, Yuri Pronin believes.

- There is a slightly encouraging moment. Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko in yesterday's interviews RIA Novosti said that, perhaps, not in this, but in the next fiscal year the indexation of pensions to working retirees will be returned. The topic is also quite painful: for about five years this indexation does not occur. If this is realized in the near future, then, of course, it will slightly reduce the heat around the topics of the retirement age, "said the expert.

The director of the Irkutsk Center "Patriot" Alexander Barsukov admits that, perhaps, the government is working on a "some secret project of a new pension reform":

"I don't know, maybe later will return to a lower retirement age." I personally think that 65 years for a man is a lot. I, even though a military pensioner, retired in 53 years, but in 65 I already "gathered" and during the service, and then a bunch of any sore. Therefore, to raise the retirement age is negative. In addition, children grow, they are growing, they are still far away, and they are still far away, and for civilian work up to 65 years old - in general.

The expert also noted that the benefit from the "pension reform" introduced in 2018 is inevitable.

- It turns out that today the calculations show that the state from this reform has practically did not receive anything. Wallet is empty that the pension fund is that the state. I have repeatedly said that this act will remain without the perpetrators, without the "duals", as I call them. This is someone once incorrectly divided, the 40-year-old author of the "pension reform" did not take this fraction, did not lead to a common denominator - and solved the fate of millions of people, "said Alexander Barzukov.

Articles and news on the pension topic on the portal for the elderly:

The Government of the Russian Federation
The Government of the Russian Federation "Wrapped" the draft law on the decrease in retirement age

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