Experts predict a massive "reboot" of shopping centers


Last year, the Russian real estate market recorded the minimum volume of retail space in the last 10 years, the consulting company KNIGHT FRANK reports. The experts told that shopping centers in the future await.

In the Moscow region, only a third of the shopping centers declared for the discovery in 2020 was commissioned. In connection with the coronavirus pandemic, 70% of announced objects was moved. In the regions, the situation is no better: last year 10 shopping facilities were commissioned with a total area of ​​228 thousand square meters. M, which is 81% lower than the stated volume and almost twice as smaller than 2019.

As noted by the commercial director of the Glincom Developing Company Ivan Tatarinov, Coronavirus played a key importance in transferring the deadlines for the commissioning of shopping centers, since it was not clear how long the new conditions would act. Many retailers abandoned development plans and expansion of networks. Also on the development of offline retail has a tangible impact of Internet trading.

"The pandemic has accelerated the transformation in the commercial real estate market - in connection with the unstable epidemiological situation, online retail and the service of finished food delivery and products began to enjoy even more popular," comments Timur Zaitsev, head of commercial real estate in Avito Real Estate.

At the same time, according to the expert of JLL of Natalia Kireva, the indicators of many shopping center worsened long before the pandemic. In Moscow and the region need a revision of about 2.2 million square meters. M morally outdated projects out of 7 million of the existing proposal. In St. Petersburg - at least 30% of shopping centers.

"Pandemic and restrictions on the work of shopping centers both in Moscow and in St. Petersburg have strengthened those trends that have emerged earlier. Since 2021, we expect the beginning of a massive reboot of shopping centers in order to transform the need for the changed reality. The market approached the stage when most of the shopping centers need a rethinking, "says Natalia Kireeva.

According to her, the pandemic showed the importance of the connection of Offline and online retail. Larger interaction with online, the development of postsmates, Showerums is one of the directions of the future development of shopping centers.

Experts are also confident that in the future the shopping centers will develop projects that are either very difficult, or can not be transferred to the online format (catering, entertainment and leisure operators).

"Gradually go to the past narrow socket or monomeal shopping centers, such as hypermarket or only Fashion Gallery. Multifunctionality comes to replace them. This increases the value of the catering, the Food Hall segment is developing, "says Natalia Kireeva.

Experts predict a massive
Experts predict a massive "reboot" of shopping centers

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