Is it possible to give a satellite

Is it possible to give a satellite 9393_1

Recently, the buddy told that he fed his sideline chickens several times. I will share with you several important nuances about this fish and salty products in general.

Salt enhances immunity, improves digestion and work of internal organs of chickens. They gain weight well and rush better. The lack of salt causes serious problems: from violation of health to cannibalism in the chicken coop.

But there is an important point. The oversupply of this substance also causes malfunctions in the body of birds. Problems with liver and heart begin, gout can develop.

The worst outcome is the death of chicken. The deadly dose will be 3.5 g of salts per 1 kg of bird weight.

My friend had an unpleasant case. He asked her daughter to feed the chickens, and she decided to make a "good deed" and left a whole pack of salt in the chicken coop. Dad said to her that the balls of the birds need to shed a little. The next time, a friend went into the chicken coop only in the evening. It turned out that the chickens were fucked all day from boredom. Save them failed.

On the day, the chicken should eat with a maximum of 1.5 g of salts. But it goes exclusively as an additive, not an independent product.

I am only in winter salt, when my chickens rarely go to the walk and almost all day later sit in the chicken coop. In the summer, during permanent daily walks, they themselves produce salt from fresh greenery.

Also, the supplement is not needed if the chickens eat feed. Manufacturers have already included all the necessary ingredients in it.

In no case, do not give chicken salty food as an independent product. And do not use it instead of salt. Exclude fat menu, pickled cucumbers, smoked and salty fish, canned food.

If for any reason you still decided to feed the sideline chickens, be sure to put it in cool water for the day to get rid of the surplus salt. Give the fish to the maximum once a week of 10 g and only in winter. On this day, it is no need to salt food.

Previously clean the herring from the skins, bones and finely cut. Add it to wet mixers, and not let's in pure form.

Make sure that fresh water is always in drinking. Even slightly salted feed causes severe thirst.

But I still advise you just to make meat food in winter and in summer, if you do not give chicken feed. And instead of herring, offering boiled fish: Putassu, Mintai, Haltus. It has a lot of protein, iodine, phosphorus, selenium and other important trace elements.

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