Weather theme is interesting to everyone: who and how predicts the weather in Grodno


Leaving the house, probably, each of us looks into the smartphone to learn the weather forecast. But few people think about how much effort requires its preparation. The correspondent met with weather-synoptic engineer to talk about the weather and not only. Moreover, on March 23, the Day of Employees of Hydrometeorological Service is celebrated in Belarus.

Weather theme is interesting to everyone: who and how predicts the weather in Grodno 9258_1

In the presentation of the manoppers, the synoptic and meteorologist is the same profession, but in fact a meteorologist is a general concept that includes a number of specialties. For example, meteorologists are working on meteorological stations, which conduct evidence of actual weather (surface meteorological observations): Measure the air temperature, wind speed, pressure, follow the precipitation and various weather phenomena, fixing the time of their start and end. It is noteworthy that around the world, the surface meteorological observations are carried out in the same time - every 3 hours, writes.

The synoptic and meteorologist is not the same.

- Observation data is encoded and sent to information collection and processing centers, where this information is displayed on synoptic surface cards. Actually, based on the analysis of various cards, data of meteorological radar, satellite images, information on changes in atmospheric processes and make up weather forecast of weather forecasters. That is, to predict the weather for our area, it is necessary to analyze including what it was in the last hours on the territory of all of Europe, explains the Sinoptic engineer of the branch "Grodnoblogidromet" of the State Institution "Republican Center for Hydrometeorology, Control of Radiation Pollution and Environmental monitoring "(Belgidromet) Elena Ivanova.

For meteorological observations, dozens of instruments and complex modern equipment are used - automatic meteorological stations. But all the same as part of meteorological observations is based on visual estimates of the meteorologist. For example, there is no fixture that would determine the type of cloudiness or precipitation. If for most of us there is simply snow, wet snow and rain, then, in accordance with the classification of meteorologists, the ice rain, the cereals are icy, the cereals of snowy, the grains of snowy, moro, rain of storm, rain covered, and this is not the entire list.

The first meteorological observations that were conducted in Grodno are back to 1839. Of course, they were much easier than now, and they concerned the main weather phenomena, and not constantly conducted. Regular meteorological observations are charged since 1945, as evidenced by the Belarus climate directory.

Thanks to this reference book, we know that the hottest day in Grodno was in August 1992, when the air warmed up to a plus of 36.2 degrees. The most frosty night - minus 36.3 - in the city was fixed in February 1970. The current winter was close to the climatic norm, but the past was abnormally warm: the average temperature in the Grodno region was plus 1.8 degrees, which is 5 degrees above the climatic norm.

- Often we ask what climate norm is. Under the climatic norm, mean climatic data calculated for the consecutive 30-year periods is implied. Currently, the norms of meteo-elements calculated for the period 1981-2010 are taken. If previous climatic regulations were used, deviations would be more, - the synoptic engineer believes.

Today in the Grodno region, 9 points of surface meteorological observations. The interlocutor notes that he doubly hard work with the specialists of the aviation meteorological station located on the territory of Grodno airport. They conduct surface meteorological and aviation meteorological observations, and also develop the weather forecasts that are needed during takeoff and landing at the airfield, flights on international and local air lines. If surface meteorological observations are carried out every 3 hours, the aviation meteorological observations are much more often every 30 minutes.

- Someone new year notes, and someone at this time the telegram must be encoded and sent, "Elena Ivanova herself tells with a smile, who herself at the beginning of a career worked as a meteorologist's technician at the station at the airport. - This is a very responsible job. In the morning, leaving the shift, leave a summary. You come home and, it seems it is time to sleep, but no, call and ask how the plane landed. Until now, a professional habit of looking at the clock is preserved when the rain begins and ends.

Over time, thanks to the improvement of equipment and methods, weather forecasts become more accurate, in particular, forecasts for a day are justified by an average of 97%. Sometimes on the Internet you can find forecasts for the entire season, for example, the upcoming spring or summer (it should be noted that these forecasts do not constitute the specialists of Belgidromet). The synoptic engineer believes that you should not trust such forecasts, is a very long time. Even in the forecast for a month, which make up for Belarus specialists from the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, only the average monthly temperature and its compliance with the climate norm is indicated.

Trust forecasts for a long time is not worth it, but the daily day is justified in 97% of cases.

"Previously, it happened, the townspeople were directly called the weather station to learn the weather, and now, in the age of the Internet, it is not in demand. More often people call, who, because of bad weather, something happened, for example, the wind damaged the roof, and it is necessary to contact the insurance company: we give an answer to the request that such a meteorological phenomenon was actually. We cooperate closely with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, traffic police, directly by insurance companies. In winter, during the heating period, housing and utilities and other enterprises are treated for receiving meteo information (air temperature, precipitation, etc.) - Elena Ivanova says. - In general, the weather theme is interesting to everyone.

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