The administration of Joe Bayden "does not see the reasons" to remove sanctions with Huawei. Why?


For a story that unfolds around Huawei, we have followed for about two years. It all started with a simple scandal and accusations that Huawei works on the Chinese government and thus threatens US National Security. From the moment, first the company was deprived of access to Google services. Then all new and new prohibitions began. Throughout this time, many thought that the problem was personal relation to Donald Trump to this issue. Now the administration of the White House replaced and many thought that the situation around Huawei would also become different. But, as it turned out, not everything is so simple. Joe Biden himself has not yet spoken about it, but the representatives of his administration made it clear that the situation would not change soon. So what do we wait for?

The administration of Joe Bayden
About Huawei sanctions know everything. But when will they be removed?

When Introduced CONCTIONS against Huawei

The failures of Huawei really began in 2019, when the Trump administration placed him in the "blacklist" of organizations, with which it is impossible to do business to American companies and investors. Now Xiaomi also got into such a list. We told about it in a separate material.

Huawei registers Matedrive and Mateauto trademarks. Waiting for Huawei Car?

When will remove sanctions with Huawei

It has now become clear that the situation with the destruction of Huawei will not change in the near future, after Gina Raymondo, scheduled for the post of Minister of Commerce of the United States, made his statements for Bloomberg. She said that he did not see the "reasons" for which Huawei and other Chinese companies should not remain under the shopping embargo.

The administration of Joe Bayden
Gina Raymondo.

It would seem that this is the end of the story and it is necessary to wait for the next president if Huawei is able to stretch so long under sanctions, but to despair yet early.

China against Huawei sanctions

Responding to Raymondo's comments, a representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China said that the Eastern Country continues to oppose the sanctions introduced by the United States for its corporations.

That is, in addition, the question of continuing sanctuction pressure from the United States will still be discussed and maybe some relaxation will be. Of course, far from the fact that Huawei will help withdraw some sanctions. The company now has too many problems and too much she lied almost simultaneously to be content with small relaxes. But even this can help solve at least some of the problems.

The administration of Joe Bayden
Wang Wenbin.

What affects the sanctions against Huawei

In addition to the simple desire or unwillingness of the US government, it is also an international relations between the two countries. If US and China's governments can somehow agree among themselves, it can become another reason for the withdrawal of sanctions.

US sanctions against Xiaomi and Huawei. What is the difference?

It is clear that the restrictions will be removed only if the US government decides that there is nothing bad in the further prosperity of Huawei. Everyone understands the relationship between the normal functioning of the company and the measures applied to it.

The administration of Joe Bayden
The sanctions with Huawei will be removed only when it becomes beneficial to someone.

How many smartphones sell Huawei

Meanwhile, the share of Huawei in the global smartphone market has decreased significantly. The company lost its position in the list of five leading manufacturers of smartphones. In the world ranking of producers, she fell out of the top three, although in the middle of last year, for two quarters he headed her, ahead of even Samsung.

In China, sales at the end of the year were not so bad as in the world, but there was no trace of the past advantage. The total fall in the supply of Huawei smartphones in the fourth quarter of 2020 in the world was 35%.

Will Huawei cease to produce smartphones

Given the latest events, it is unlikely that with Huawei will remove sanctions in the near future, and therefore the growth of sales does not stand. However, the company is developing its own services and the operating system to compensate for the loss of Google Mobile Services (GMS). However, this may not be enough to return the lost interest of users.

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