Awards for long service

Awards for long service 9174_1
Awards for service for years Eric

In the article "Semyon Kozak -trigda Hero" I wrote that in the Soviet Union there were two people awarded three golden stars of the Heroes of the Soviet Union - the pilots Ivan Kozhevub and Alexander Pokshkinin. What caused anger and sarcasm commentators - they say I don't know anything, the "victim of Egg", "teach the match". In fact, there were three of them. Also, the Marshal of the Soviet Union Semyon Mikhailovich weekly. I repent, speaking frankly, I knew about Budenny, but I consciously did not want to mention - I respect him too much. And I believe that all three of his hero's stars devalue his merit. All of them were "anniversary", honorary awards by birthday. The first star of the hero was awarded him in 1953 in connection with the 75th anniversary, the second in 1963 - to the 80th anniversary, the third in 1968 to the 85th anniversary. He considered and believe that the title of Hero is a high reward and assign it follows the specific exploits and merits, and not in connection with any XX ... -Ret. This is accustomed to the very title and merit of the jubilee.

But thanks to the commentators, there was a topic - to tell about the honorary awards and the signs of the differences, and for long service. For the first time, the Empress Catherine II is also the great one. It was also necessary to stimulate people to a conscientious long-term performance of official duties. With it, the signs of the Military Order of St. George IV degree were awarded the army officers for 25 years in the field service and 18 campaigns (a maritime campaign - six months of "pure" swimming time) on a fleet, provided that at least one battle participation. But this situation devalued the combat and very distinguished Order of St. George, so Nikolai 1 introduced another award to less than high dignity - the sign of the difference "for the behaver service", which complained to military personnel and officials of civil service and even women.

Alexander II generally canceled George for long service, but it began to reward the Order of St. Vladimir, civil servants who were over 35 years in class ranks.

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Awards for service for years Eric

The practice of encouraging citizens for long-term labor and service is borrowed and the Soviet premium system. In the early 1930s. Advanced retirement support was appointed specialists from individual professions. And the first anniversary medal of the 20th anniversary of the Red Army (20 years of the working and peasant red army) was the first to know the difference for the service (20 years of the working and peasant Red Army), established on January 24, 1938. It was originally planned not as an anniversary medal, but as a purely as a medal for the 20-year-old service in Army. Awarding this medal was made not only on the principle of anniversary traditions, but continued in subsequent years.

During the Great Patriotic War, the awards in the Red Army were made for military differences, although representatives of the highest committee - Marshals of the Soviet Union S. M. Budyanny and B. N. Shaposhnikov in connection with the 60th anniversary of the birth was awarded Lenin orders. In 1944 it became clear that the war was nearing a victorious completion. To this period, a lot of military personnel gained, who did not have to do. Colonel-General Philip Golikov took over this serious problem. It turns out that officers fighting on the front line, the deadlines of the service in the rank are seriously reduced. While the officers undergoing service on the departments of the intensity, or let's say, in the Siberian Commissar - no. Combat officers before getting the title of Major, it was necessary to rely in the captain's chains at least three months. And the draws were assigned such a title only four years. Of course, such a "blatant injustice" should have been eliminated. And the various "Tar's workers" actively rocked in NPOs of letters and anonymous about what they feel connected, although "perform no less important tasks."

Golikov prepared a report in which noted that 204 generals do not have any awards at all. The scandal is translated into a public language, it meant that 204 people erected into the highest military rank, no merit in front of the homeland do not have. Instead of dealing with how people have fallen into high posts, it was decided to start awarding officers for service for years.

Golikov offered to reward: for 10 years - the Order "Hall Sign"; For 15 years - the Order "Red Star"; For 20 years - the Order of the Red Banner; For 25 years - the Order of Lenin. It should be noted that the Order of Lenin was the highest award of the USSR. For example, they were awarded the heroes of the Soviet Union simultaneously with the presentation of the "Golden Star" medal.

Golikov agreed. The only replaced the Order of the Hall Sign on the Military Merit Medal. Awards were held by May 1 and November 7. When an awarded award by November 7, 1944, Soviet newspapers did not publish a complete list of awarded. Only Colonel-General and Marshals in it was a hundred.

Soon these privileges were assigned to internal troops and MGB. Now the adjustor, who defeated 25 years on the Moscow Prospect, could have been fully dealing with the highest award of the country on his chest.

After the war, the real waakanaly distribution of the orders was twisted. We began to reward all in a row, from teachers to employees of the fishing industry. In the army for the period 1944-1957, 2,487,422 orders for long service were distributed. In other structures - another 1 612 624 orders. What, of course, reduced the value of the orders received in the war. Therefore, among the frontovikov, the Order was especially valued, which did not fall into the list of those who were assigned to the service. And they themselves began to be contemptuously referred to as "trade union".

In addition, from January 1, 1948, naturally "at the request of the workers" canceled cash payments for orders and medals and free travel. A little-known fact: three times the Hero of the Soviet Union of the Tashkin, who was allegedly the initiator of this "request", at one of the meetings of the front-line wicked and threw out tomatoes.

The value of combat orders was greatly devalued, for example, the Order of the Red Banner (one of the most honorable combat orders) for long service was handed about 300 thousand times. Therefore, in 1957, it was decided to stop rewarding orders and a medal "for military merit" for long service. In exchange, each of the three powerful departments (the USSR Ministry of Defense, the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs and the USSR State Security Committee) of the Unified Order of January 25, 1958 established its own departmental medal "for impeccable service".

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Awards for service for years Eric

Special respected medal did not use. The servicemen themselves often called her "for unsuccessful service" or "sandy", the humorous poem is known:

And on his chest of his powerful

Shining a lot of rows

One medal hung a bunch,

And the service of the year.

But still, for senior managers left Lazakek - in connection with anniversaries, he was awarded high orders. And then the title of the hero. And so that the people do not giggles and did not compose jokes started from the most honored - Marshal Voroshilov. And what about the legendary commander - and not the hero. In 1956, they gave rise to the 75th anniversary, then in 1968 in connection with the 50th anniversary of the Armed Forces of the USSR. At the same time he was awarded and his friend Marshal Budenny. And then went drove. According to the launched Budennye track, Leonid Brezhnev became three times the hero. According to the established uncommitable rule, members of the Politburo and the CC secretaries, as a rule, received the first star of the Hero of the Soviet Union or the Hero of Socialist Labor to the 60th anniversary, the second to the 70th anniversary.

An unprecedented story happened to Konstantin Chernenko. At 60, he has not yet occupied the relevant post. In 65 and 70 years old received two stars of the hero of the Socratrud, and the third - to the "non-circular" date, 73th anniversary. There were serious concerns that until the 75th birthday, he would not live (as she later came out), but to bury the chapter of the party and the state "total" with two gold stars found inappropriate.

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Awards for service for years Eric

Today, the practice of awarding the highest ranks for anniversaries continues. By the way, Semyon Mikhailovich himself, the weekly not really appreciated his anniversary stars. Much more proud of four St. George crosses (full bake) obtained in the days of stormy mad youth. Really received for real feats.

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