Amateur cryptocurrency received donations after losing almost 50 thousand dollars


The fan of cryptocurrency, who has lost about 50 thousand dollars due to its own error when interacting with a smart contract, thanked the cryptosocial community for donation of the equivalent of 11 thousand dollars to compensation for damages. Recall, earlier this month, the user GitHub Dawidkabani13 said that he accidentally sent 4005 LINK for an amount in an equivalent of 47 thousand dollars to Aavegor's Smart Contract (GHST) at the Ethereum blockchain. This transaction led to irretrievable loss of coins. Fortunately, to restore part of the amount due to the most sensitive users did it work.

Kindness and decency in cryptocurrencies

Note that Dawidkabani13 did not fold and began to act. He even appealed to Vitalik Biderina with a request to return the transaction itself, reports Cointelegraph.

Note that the request sounded quite funny. Still, it is obvious that no one will be changed in the cryptocurrency network for one user for the sake of one user - no matter how large his loss. Nevertheless, first, there are enough people in Niche, who have already come across such, so they will feel deprived. Secondly, the network should remain unchanged, in which it is its main advantage.

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Etherium and other cryptocurrency

Whatever it was, the Aavegotchi team responded to the incident. Its representatives created a page for donations designed to help the Cryptoenthusistist return funds before the holidays. On Sunday, the co-founder of the project Jesse Johnson said that they sent the user about 11 thousand dollars in tokens with more than two hundred deposits. Here is a replica, in which the team representative shared attitudes towards the situation.

That is, project representatives simply decided to help a person who made a mistake. Taking into account the current atmosphere of holidays it looks more than generous.

The author of the smart contract Nick Manj confirmed that the coins sent dawidkabani13 were most likely "lost in the battery of Etherium forever." In other words, these Link fell out of the general circulation of Altkown, and no one can get access to them.

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Twitting Kriptoentziast with gratitude for support

This is another example of inattention, which when working with cryptocurrencies can lead to irrevocable loss of a huge amount of funds. However, in this case, Dawidkabani13 was partly lucky: they supported the cryptocurrency community, and he could "return" at least part of the lost money. Here is a quote of the recipient itself, which conducted an incorrect transaction.

Note that many representatives of the world cryptocurrency are really shy about to talk about their own losses. About this in December, including the creator of Etherium Vitalik Biderin. According to him, "no one wants to recognize a loss of 200 thousand dollars," in this case, a person will expose himself "idiot."

Recall, Vitalik raised this topic against the background of the discussion of cryptocurrency wallets. According to him, most of these products still remain too complex for ordinary users. Naturally, the massive popularity of cryptocurrencies will be raised when people will be able to use such programs without any experience of interaction with the blockchain.

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Purchase Cryptovalut

We believe that this situation really confirms the presence of a positive side in the cryptocurrency industry. Naturally, not only hackers and fraudsters are given this niche, as Bitcoin's haters are affirmed. There is also an abundance of sympathetic people who are ready to help the rest. Obviously, this is a good basis for the further development and popularization of the niche.

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