Residents of the Bykovo-Otrogan municipality decided on projects of initiative budgeting

Residents of the Bykovo-Otrogan municipality decided on projects of initiative budgeting 9090_1

The administration of the Balakovo district a meeting was held on the preparation of projects for initiative budgeting by the Bykovo-Ozrogan municipality. The issues of final refinement of the competition documentation were discussed. The meeting was attended by the head of the initiative group for the introduction of projects, Deputy Chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma, a deputy from the Balakovo district Olga Bolyakin, a member of the Initiative Group, Deputy Arthur Gizatullin, Deputy Head of the BMR for Economic Development and Municipal Property Management Alexander Balkukov, Deputy Head of the Bykovo administration The Otrogogsky municipality on housing and communal services, go and emergencies, municipal property and social work Alena S. "

Residents of the Bykovo-Otrogan municipality decided on projects of initiative budgeting 9090_2

Within the framework of the Local Initiative Support Program, residents of Bykovo-Otrogovsky Municipality have nominated five projects of initiative budgeting projects to participate in the Regional Competition:

- Improvement of the Square of the Victory Park (3 Stage) in the village of Bykov, Svogog; - repair of street lighting in the village of Naumovka; - acquisition and installation of metal structures for the creation of stock, pressure control and water consumption in the water system in the village of Myanga;

- arrangement of a hockey platform in the village of Ivanovka;

- Arrangement of hockey platform in the village of small perpless.

The essence of the initiative budgeting project is support for a competitive basis initiatives prepared and implemented with wide participation and co-financing by the population. Cash allocated by the Government of the region on the basis of the competition can be sent to the formation of the urban environment, improving the quality of life in rural areas, arrangement of recreation areas, repair of public infrastructure facilities and so on.

From the city of Balakovo, on the initiative of residents, a project to the competition will be sent a project to the landscaping of an intravadal territory in the school number 22. Applications in the Competition Commission under the Government of the Saratov region must be submitted until March 1. This is reported by the administration of the Balakovo district.

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