Facts about Luke that you did not know

Facts about Luke that you did not know Domadeal

Today we will talk about this product like onions. What is the bottom? How does a simple bow affect our body? We will discuss these and other issues in this article.

Onions are one of the most popular and common vegetables, which is used daily. Since the ancient times, the onions were used not just like a vegetable, but also for medical purposes. Not in vain, the proverb "Onions - from seven ailment" reached the same day.

Most people refuse to eat onions, as an argument, leading the fact that after the use of onions is there an unpleasant smell. But you should not be afraid of this! Specific smell is just a secondary effect. It is worth thinking that using raw onions in food, the body will get a lot of benefit.

And so let's go to the question

What is useful onions and why is it every day?

✅Luk Source of vitamin C and retinol (vitamin A). In antiquity, the bow was used as a drug from zing. The content of vitamin C in Luke is quite a lot, as well as retinol, which slows down the process of aging the body.

It is an anti-inflammatory and antibiotic effect, kills pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria. From the children's years, parents instill a child in the sedition of the cold to eat raw onions in food, and all due to the content of special substances in the onion capable of destroying microbes, as well as high content of vitamin C.

✅luk is able to deprive the vital activity of parasites (worms) in the intestine.

✅Luk is useful to men. The positive effect of Luke is primarily aimed at prostate adenoma, as well as to improve the potency and mobility of spermatozoa.

It is an antihistamine effect. Special substances in the cheese bay reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction, if you, of course, there is no allergies to the bow itself.

✅ Purpose for digestion. Onions for the most part consists of water and fiber. The fiber displays toxins from the body, and inulin in the onion juice improves the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Capacity of blood sugar levels - the high chromium content in Luke corresponds to this function.

It is a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. With regular use of onions in food, cholesterol levels are reduced, which means that the risk of plaques on the walls of the vessels decreases.

✅ Cosmetology onion or onion juice is used to strengthen and hair growth, as well as for the treatment of skin cover.

But this does not mean that the onions should be used in large volumes! In all important measure. Do not forget to put onions in salads, we all know, onions perfectly "comes" with meat or fish.

Harm of raw bow

Contraindications to the use of raw bow in large numbers are:

  • A ulcer, gastritis during the exacerbation period, since the juice of Luke can harm the irritated mucous membrane of the stomach.
  • Heavy gallbladder and kidney diseases.
  • With hypertension.
Facts about Luke that you did not know 909_2
Domadeal onions onions

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