Rating of famous people of Moscow born February 7

Rating of famous people of Moscow born February 7 2630_1

Globalmsk.ru presents the top 5 star persons in Russia, born on February 7. The rating was formed on the basis of the content analysis of the information base of the Internet portal.

1st place

The leader of today's rating becomes 50-year-old Anita Tsoi. As a child, mastered the game on the guitar, flute, piano, violin. After the pedagogical school, he entered the Faculty of Faculty of Moscow State University, and then to the Pretty Faculty of Rati. In 1986, it began to earn money for the publishing of the Debut Album "Flight" presented in 1997. In 2003, the singer was awarded the title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation". In 2009, he wrote the second anthem of miners. In 2010, the beauty and monster debuted in the musical. In 2012, ranked fourth in the show "One to One!". In 2016, she became the leading project "Wedding Size" on the "Home" channel.

2nd place

In the second position there is 36-year-old Konstantin Kryukov. Childhood spent in Switzerland. At the insistence of Santa graduated from art school in Zurich. Externally passed the exams at school at the German Embassy in Moscow. In 2001, became the youngest graduate of the metropolitan branch of the American Institute of Hemology. In 2005, he made his debut in the picture "9 company". In 2006 he received Diploma MGU. The actor who is fond of swimming, photography, jewelry, owns an art workshop in Prague.

3rd place

Close Troika 29-year-old Ksenia Pillars from St. Petersburg. At six years I began to engage in figure skating. At the age of 14, passed into pair skating. In a couple with Fedor Klimov won the championship of Russia and ranked third in the Junior World Cup. In 2010-2011, the season became the second in the Grand Prix and became part of the national team. In 2012, the silver won at the Russian Championships. In 2014, became the Olympic champion in an arbitrary program. In the 2015-2016 season, Cascade 3-3-2 jumped. In February 2020 announced the completion of the sports career.

4th place

On the fourth line, 49-year-old Natalia Ryazantseva from Ufa is located. In 1995 he graduated from the Medical Faculty of SibGMU in Tomsk. In 2002 he headed the department of fundamental medicine of the Medical and Biological Faculty to his university. Government grants received five times. In 2005, a scientific and educational center of molecular medicine was created. In 2006, he was appointed Vice-Rector for Strategic Development SIBGMU. In 2012, launched the modernization program of the university clinic. In 2014, a professor of the Department of Biochemistry of the Krasnoyarsk Medical University was adopted. In 2017, he moved to the place of deputy director for the scientific work of the Krasnoyarsk Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

5th place

Last place went to 32-year-old Alexander Domogarov. The school studied foreign languages, engaged in music and sports. After the end of the Shchepkinsky school, he could not find his calling for a long time. During the years of study, Churchill debuted. In 2014, as director "Yama" film directed. Currently, engaged in writing scenarios.

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