The unpleasant result of the Corona Summit: Hard Lokdan at Easter

The unpleasant result of the Corona Summit: Hard Lokdan at Easter 906_1

No one expected this!

Shortly before midnight, the information was leaked in the press that even more stringent restrictions were possible for Easter holidays. And this is after initially a conversation about probable reliefs.

Now it became clear: Lokdaun will extend until April 18. And at Easter, Germany will go to the total quarantine.

Overview of the most important solutions:

Clean Thursday and Easter Saturday declared "weekends", so they are also subject to "restrictions on contacts and prohibition of meetings from 1 to 5 April".

Supermarkets were injured. "The retail trade in food products in a narrow understanding will be possible only on Saturday," the government ruling said. But: on Thursday, April 1, the grocery points will be closed.

The goal of uncompromising isolation issued for the "prolonged Easter holidays" - "with the help of a multi-day, large-scale reduction of all contacts to overcome the exponential growth of the third wave."

Easter Mass and other religious events are canceled. Christians are invited to celebrate Easter, using video cards, the Jews are urgent not recommended to celebrate Easter in the synagogues, and Muslims go to the mosque on Friday prayer. As it became known, with such a request, the Federal Government intends to refer to religious communities.

Particular meetings are allowed to maximize five people from two households (excluding children under 14), couples are considered one family.

In the regions where the incidence exceeds 100, the rules operating until March 7 are again in force. This means: termination of retail trade, restrictions on movement and more stringent restrictions on private contacts.

Vacation within its own federal land is again banned. The federal government further encourages citizens to "refrain from unnecessary trips."

A quarantine for vacationers from Mallorca will not be: airlines are required to test on coronavirus all vacationers, returning from countries with low morbidity, before the reverse flight.

In addition: even after tight restrictions on Easter, the authorities do not guarantee the introduction of sending.

Regarding the period after April 5, it is marked: "If the criteria for steps to exit Lokdaun will be performed in accordance with the decision of March 3, 2021, their implementation will begin on April 6, 2021."

However, the main criterion remains low incidence. It is very unlikely that after Easter numbers fall sharply.

How the Chancellor explains new rules

"We have a new pandemic. The mutation took the top, "said Angela Merkel at a press conference after the completion of the summit.

According to the chancellor, due to the fact that the new modification of the virus is more dangerous and infection, the previous success was completely leveled. And now a large number of infections should be avoided, since there is a possibility of forming new mutations. "It is heavier than we thought," Angela Merkel emphasized.

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