In Stepanakert, recognized the importance of investigating all alleged war crimes

In Stepanakert, recognized the importance of investigating all alleged war crimes 9056_1

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Artsakh noted with satisfaction the position of the European Parliament on the Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict, expressed in the resolutions adopted on January 20 - annual reports on the "General Foreign Policy and Security Policy" and "General Security and Defense Policy".

"We share the assessments of the European Parliament regarding the events caused by the use of military force Azerbaijan, as well as ways to exit the situation. In particular, we consider it important to specifically note the point of view of the European Parliament on the need to ensure the security of the Armenian population in Nagorno-Karabakh, the preservation of the Armenian cultural heritage, the safe return of forced displaced persons and refugees to the place of previous living, exercise without delaying the exchange of prisoners of war and the bodies of the victims.

We recognize the importance of holding a proper investigation of all alleged war crimes and bringing responsible for responsibility. It is noteworthy that the European Parliament also called for an international investigation of the intended presence of foreign militants, terrorists and the use of cassette ammunition and phosphate bombs.

We welcome the support of the European Parliament's efforts to the OSCE Minsk Group on a comprehensive conflict resolution on the basis of the basic principles proposed by international intermediaries.

We join the condemnation by the European Parliament of the destabilizing role of Turkey, seeking to undermine the efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group for their ambitious plans to play a more significant role in the process of resolving the conflict.

We divide the point of view of the European Parliament that a solid settlement has not yet been found. We are convinced that a comprehensive and fair settlement of the Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict can be achieved on the basis of the recognition of the right of the people of Artsakh, the right to self-determination and deoxidation of the territories of the Republic of Artsakh, "says the comments of the Artsakh Foreign Ministry.

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