30+ facts about cartoons of our childhood, even the boy crying over the sneaking


When in childhood, the cartoon time was finally occurring, we forgot about all the games and broken our heads rushed to the TV. Children had no matter what a cartoon today will be on the screen - hand-drawn or puppet, - if he had an impressive plot, from which it is impossible to break away.

Adme.ru remembered the most touching Soviet cartoons that have raised such important life themes that even adults could not dear tears. And the children studied the fact that life is very multifaceted, the help of others is important, and from any situation you can find a way out.

1. Mom for Mammoth

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© Mammoth Mammoth / Gosteradiofond

I'm not afraid of a wave, nor the wind - I swim to the only mom in the world. "Mom for Mammoth"

  • The story of how the only surviving mammoth lost his mother and tries to find it, remember, probably all the Soviet children. Children's writer Dina immumbently inspired a real historical sensation for writing this fairy tale.
  • In 1977, in Russia, they found a frozen Mammoth's frozen thousand years ago, and this discovery became an important event for scientists.
  • It was assumed that he was trapped. The writer was impressed by the tragic final, and she decided to change him in her fairy tale. The baby Mammoth thaws after eternal freezel and goes in search of his mother.
  • At first, there were no songs in the cartoon, which made it so popular. And the Art Commission rejected his output to the screens. Multipliers invited the talented composer Vladimir Shansky to write a song. Then the cartoon finally saw the audience.
  • The prototype of the hero, the fossil mammoth Dima (by the name of the stream, near which he was found), today "lives" at the Museum of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He often goes to travel across Russia and the world, it is shown at various scientific exhibitions.
  • "Mammoth Song" in our time has become an unofficial anthem. It is used to support the guys who are in institutions that are guarded over children left without parents.

2. Mentup

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© Mitten / Soyuzmultfilm, © Mittens / Soyuzmultfilm

  • This cartoon is probably well remembered those who grow in the 80-90s. The story of a tremendous dream of a girl to have a dog was very close to many children. After the failure of the mother to put an animal girl represents that her red mitten becomes a puppy. He is experiencing a whole chain of adventure and, to the chagrin of the baby, becomes a math again. Mom, seeing the suffering of the daughter, still decides to take a real dog home.
  • A non-soldered puppet cartoon conquered the audience and critics in different countries, won the award not only in Russia, but also in France and Spain.
  • In the cartoon, the characters do not utter a single word.
  • The famous multiplier artist Leonid Schwartzman sketched characters from real people. For example, mom girls - with his acquaintance, at the same time noted that he coped and appearance, and character traits. And Bulldog portrayed the director of the cartoon Roman Kachanova.
  • The modern spectators looked at the mother's similarity with the singer Zemfira.
  • The multiplier later called his favorite characters by the characters of the "mittens" heroes, although he created more popular Cheburashka, a snowy queen and a kitten named Gav.

3. Adventures Penguin Lolo

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© Adventures Penguin Lolo / Soyuzmultfilm

- And grandfather Pigo said that they bring us a misfortune! They catch us and disappear into some kind of zoos ... Zoos! "Adventures of Penguin Lolo"

  • After the cartoon yield, touching penguins won the world. Many countries bought the picture, because they were admired with the quality of shooting. Such quality has become the result of the fact that the cartoon was created by the USSR in Tandem with Japan. Work on the mini-serial (3 series) took 8 years.
  • Japanese multiplers were impressed by the work of Soviet colleagues and offered to make a joint project. Animation was created in the USSR, and all technical equipment provided the Japanese side.
  • For this cartoon, the Japanese had to develop a special negative, since the perforation of Soviet film film was very different from foreign perforation.
  • Not only the countries of Europe, but also the Arab Emirates, Australia, not only bought the picture, that for the end of the 80s of the twentieth century was a rare event.
  • Spectators noticed inconsistencies in the appearance of penguins compared to wildlife. But multipliers preferred a bright and attractive picture, and not perfect similarity. In reality, Penguin chicks are covered with gray down, while in the cartoon they have the same feathers like adults. But what about the fact that the penguins on the screen initially multicolored?
  • In the cartoon, special flashes were not selected, except for one. At the end of the film, the narrator pronounces: "In early March, autumn ends in Antarctica." This is a mistake, in early March, autumn in Antarctica just begins.
  • Popular actors voiced by cartoon: Rolan Bykov, Vyacheslav Invarnive, Evgeny Leonov. But the music wrote the Japanese composer Masakhito Maruyama.

4. Wolf and calf

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© Wolf and Calf / Soyuzmultfilm

- Son! - Dad! - Well, then, and then "Mom, Mom"! "Wolf and calf"

  • The cartoon about how true friendship and love is born, received prestigious awards abroad - it was rated at international festivals that were held in India, Croatia and Argentina.
  • Interestingly, the calf, and his main enemies voiced the same actors. Little calf and fox - Olga Gromova, and a big calf and a bear - Vladimir Vinokur. Wolf voiced charismatic Oleg Tabakov.
  • Many cartoon phrases went to the people, they were quoted along with phrases from the most popular Soviet comedies.

5. Goodbye, ravine!

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© Goodbye, ravine! / Soyuzmultfilm

- Do not refuse the chrome ps, be kind! - Whose dog? - Yes draw, it's out of the ravine! "Goodbye, ravine!"

  • Many recall this fairy tale as a real hopelessness, from which it was nevertheless difficult to tear off. Before us is a puppet cartoon in muted colors, while most of the Soviet children loved bright and drawn. But the theme of homeless animals took for living.
  • In history there was so many "adult" that critics even compared her with the play of Gorky "on the bottom", which tells about the life of the beggars. After all, every homeless dog from a flock that lives in the ravine and turned out to be "on the bottom of life", there are "human" features: someone is waiting for help, and someone hopes only for themselves. Someone learns and develops, and someone does not consider it important. Each PSA has its own sad reality.
  • The cartoon ends sadly, but still one ps is able to escape. The director gave his little spectators hope. The authors of the paintings were well aware of what the impression of the final will produce on children, but it was believed that these feelings the child should survive: "We do not scare if someone from kids even pays. It is terrible if the child grows indifferent. "
  • The cartoon was removed according to the one's one name-parable Konstantin Sergienko. Later he processed her in the adult play "Dogs". The performances on it were walked in many Russian theaters.

6. Gray Shaika

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© Gray neck / Soyuzmultfilm

- What didn't you fly away? Or did you have learned to fly? - No, just here I like more. "Gray cervical"

  • This cartoon about friendship, mutual assistance and struggle for their lives are called the classics of animation. He was filmed back in 1948, and in 2001 was renovated and renovated. At one time, the picture became innovative, criticism was noted by its animation style, subtle psychological lines of the plot.
  • But the renovka and restoration did not like many, and the creators received a lot of criticism in their address.
  • The cartoon was shot by the story of Dmitry Mine-Siberian, though, unlike the book, there were no people at all. This was done so that the audience could associate heroes with them.
  • The plot of the cartoon was done more intense. For example, a gray neck wing was broken off the fox paws in the fall, before the departure, and the duck-mother grieved about her daughter, thinking that she was ate her fox. In the book, Lisa broke the clarification of the wing in the spring, so the birds knew that she would remain alone, and could advise her how to behave in winter.
  • In the book, Duck remains to live in a person who saves her. And on the screen, she independently crashes with its enemy - fox - and recovering.

7. Mount Dinosaurov

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© Mount Dinosaur / Soyuzmultfilm

- Release me! I will adapt, honestly, adapt! "Mount Dinosaurs"

  • In this cartoon, the authors tried to answer the question why dinosaurs were extinct, offering one of the versions - due to the worsening of the climate. Cold air made egg shell too solid, dinosaurs could not get out and died.
  • However, one of the options for interpretation of the picture is the relationship of children and parents. The thick egg shell, in which the small dinosaur sits, is associated with the parent, who is too much towards his child. "I want to see the sun!" - Shouts dinosaur. "I fulfill my duty!" - Replies the shell. Excessive care destroys the life of a child, as the shell did not give the dinosaur to see the world. And parents should be remembered about it.

We gladly remembered these cartoons and pontalcated. And what a cartoon in childhood forced you to think?

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