Growth science

Growth science 904_1

Growth science

Manufacturers of environmentally friendly mineral fertilizers cooperate with scientists. This week, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) Alexander Sergeev and General Director of PJSC "FosAgro" Andrei Guriev summed up the interaction results in 2020 and discussed prospects to expand cooperation.

Work and collaborate

Russian scientists provide expert and methodological support for the PhosAgro in the development of the company's research and innovation center - without exaggeration, a brain center. It is the only profile Research Institute for Fertilizers and Insectofungiides in Russia and in Europe - NIUIF them. prof. I'M IN. Samoilova, which is part of the PhosAgro group. CEO of PJSC "FOSAGRO" Andrei Guryev noted: "We understand that without science it is impossible to develop production and movement forward. Therefore, for us the development of cooperation with the Russian Academy of Sciences - unconditional priority. We are grateful to you that it was FozAgro in 2018 the first private The Russian company, with which RAS concluded an agreement on cooperation. " Collaboration with science brings tangible fruits. During the collaboration with scientists, the company has almost one and a half times expanded the number of fertilizer grades produced - today in the FosAgro portfolio 53 brands of safe and highly efficient products, incl. 12 with trace elements. The company strengthened positions as a leader in the total supply of all types of mineral fertilizers to Russian agrarians, last year for the first time in the entire 20-year history of the company putting over 3.5 million tons of mineral fertilizers on the domestic market.

To root the prestige

There is a work on agrarian innovation. An important direction of the FOSAGRO and RAS partnership was the work on biostimulants and biomineral fertilizers in the framework of the "Green Standard" of agricultural products with improved environmental characteristics, which is developed in Russia at the initiative of Vladimir Putin's president. This is no longer just a matter of production development, we are talking about the prestige of the country and an increase in the competitiveness of Russian products in the foreign market. Over the past year, breakthrough results were obtained during field tests. Perennial productive cooperation is built by FozAgro with scientists of the Kola Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. On the basis of their developments, innovative solutions on the mining and processing plant in Kirovsk are introduced.

Of great interest is the work of the FOSAGRO to create a digital platform, within which customers are offered comprehensive decisions on the selection and use of the optimal plant nutrition system, and in the perspective of the acquisition of seeds, SZR, obtaining financial services and the sale of its products. The President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Sergeyev noted: "A very difficult task is set, the solution of which is carried out with the attraction of an advanced scientific base. This makes a strong impression," said the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, "We are very pleased that the Russian Academy of Sciences and Phosagro have developed such close cooperation. The company invests considerable funds to science both at the corporate level and federal. It is important to note that the phosagro, occupying key positions in the global market, raises the prestige of the country, acts as ambassador of Russia in matters related to green chemistry. It's nice that we have a company that pays for science of such attention. "

Change is growing

So that innovations are effectively used not only in the production of phosagro, but also in agriculture, you need to prepare a new generation of APK professionals. Therefore, RAS and FOSAGRO together are working to build a modern training system for APK from high school classes to release from the Institute. In the Timiryazev Academy, the first scientific and practical center of the PhosAgro in the APC was created. Together with Russian scientists, an innovative educational program from 30 lectures "FosAgro: from ore to eating has been developed and implemented. In the near future, the course will be expanded to 100 lectures. The educational program of the FOSAGRO will be integrated into curricula 30 leading agrarian universities of the country, and the number of students will reach 15 thousand people per year. The leadership of the Russian Academy of Sciences highly appreciated the PhosAgro Educational Center. Its creation in the walls of the Basic Agrarian University of the Timiryazev Academy - will help to solve the problem of overcoming the gap between the requirements of the market to the specialists of the agro-industrial complex, and the current level of graduate competences.

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