Impressionist descended from work - Popular sorts of garden shrubs


    Good afternoon, my reader. Decorative cultures always attract attention and refresh the landscape. The article will help determine the choice of flowering shrub - any of the described plants will become a real pride of the gardener.

    Impressionist descended from work - Popular sorts of garden shrubs 8982_1
    Impressionists who have come down from the work - Popular varieties of garden shrubs Maria Verbilkova

    Flowering spiraei shoots sweeping on the whole summer. Fluffy pinkish flowers. Large green or orange leaves of the plant in the fall change color on burgundy or bright yellow.

    There are many varieties of this unpretentious plant, the faversities of the gardeners are described below:

    • Golden Princesses appreciate for small sizes. Shrub leaves are painted in yellow, and inflorescences have a pinkish shade.
    • Gold Flame. The shoots of this variety are distinguished by the rapid growth rate, in height can reach 1 meter. The coloring of the leaf of shrub changes during the warm season - reddish in the spring, in the fall they acquire a saturated copper shade.
    • Crisp. A ball-shaped crown of this small shrub decorate purple inflorescences and an unusual shape toothed leaves.

    Hydrangea shoots sweeping lush bright inflorescences. Among the variety of varieties of plants, any gardener will find an ideal addition of her garden. There are hydrangea-lianas, shrubs up to 2 meters high and trees.

    Impressionist descended from work - Popular sorts of garden shrubs 8982_2
    Impressionists who have come down from the work - Popular varieties of garden shrubs Maria Verbilkova

    Branchy bezen stems are decorated with large (10-30 centimeters long) leaves. The inflorescences of the plant fragrant, a favorable impression of the elderberries are produced throughout the warm season, but the period of flowering culture is particularly distinguished. The plant brings harvest painted in a dark purple color of berries.

    The favorite of the gardeners was the grade of Black Tower - in the frame of the dark leaves, the flowers of this species of elderly appear especially effectively.

    The plants that reach the height of 4 meters are painted into a brownish color, they sleep brightly pink brushes of inflorescences. Young bloom-red currant leaves make a pleasant fragrance.

    Flowering in May Blood-red currant by the end of summer brings a crop of iscin-black oval berries. The fruits of the plant can be eaten, but their taste quality leaves much to be desired, so culture is considered exclusively decorative.

    The color of the inflorescence of the currant may vary. For a saturated scarlet color, grades Edward VII appreciate.

    Impressionist descended from work - Popular sorts of garden shrubs 8982_3
    Impressionists who have come down from the work - Popular varieties of garden shrubs Maria Verbilkova

    The branches of the forzing of gold flowers dress up early in the spring, when most plants are still preparing for launch buds. Decorated with oval-shaped leaves of shooting of this shrub bloom until autumn.

    The plant does not tolerate cold too well, so the shortcomings are recommended to strengthen the winter. It is important not to forget about the regular trimming of the shrub and follow the level of moisture in the surrounding shoots of the soil - its excessive culture does not tolerate.

    The birthplace of this shrub was China. Spacious Kronus Budduddes decorate large leaves and long brush inflorescences. The latter is impressive by the variety of paints - there are flowers of purple, lilac, pink, burgundy, white colors. Flowering in the period from mid-July to October, the plant circles his honey aroma.

    Leather leaves of this evergreen shrub have a property change color with reddish on green. White umbrella inflorescences Fotinia decorate shoots in May and June.

    The plant does not require special care - the fotion is quite regularly water and feed the complex mineral fertilizer. Successes in the cultivation of this shrub, only residents of the southern regions will be achieved, since culture does not tolerate frosts below -12 ° C. Planting the shoots of Fotinia phrasers should be on the wind protected from the wind, which is constantly under the influence of sunlight.

    Bubble shoots bloom throughout the warm season. White spherical inflorescences in the fall replaced the unusual shape of the fruits remaining on the branches until the middle of winter.

    In honor of the gardeners KALINOLIST bubbler. Speeciously look at the shoots of Diabolo variety - dark purple leaves framing tender white inflorescences, destroyed by almy stamens.

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