Dr. Komarovsky responded to popular questions from subscribers about snot

Dr. Komarovsky responded to popular questions from subscribers about snot 8887_1

Some have not believed that you can walk barefoot

Evgeny Komarovsky pediatrician posted a video in Instagram, in which he answered the most popular questions of his subscribers about snot.

The pediatrician noted that the snot of the green and yellowish shade "is not a reason for some decisive action." According to him, the snot acquire such a shade when the disease occurs more than five to six days.

If nozzles do not pass more than ten days, then Komarovsky advises parents to calm down: "If snotes do not interfere with the child to be a child, do not affect its activity, do not interfere with him even breathe even if the child has a normal appetite - walk, live normally. But if nozzles thickens, then rinse the spawn spawn. "

Also, the pediatrician answered whether to wear socks on the child when he had snot. Komarovsky believes that if the child is normal and without socks, he can do without them. But if guests are going to come to the grandmother, which suits the hysteries about this, and the explanations do not help, then you can wear them for a couple of hours. Also, Komarovsky turned directly to grandmothers and told them that if the child wants to walk barefoot, then let.

Is it worth doing water warmer? Komarovsky said that everything depends on the child - if he wants, it is possible.

As for walking in the cold, then their pediatrician does not prohibit. It is only important that the child does not have a temperature, he felt well, and outside the window was not unusual or extreme weather conditions. Komarovsky noticed that some parents use snot as a pretext not to walk.

The pool can be visited only if the child cannot infect others - this is solved by the doctor.

In the comments, the subscribers were laughed that the barefoot was not affected by the child's health. Komarovsky clarified that if a child has always been warm since the birth, the body loses the ability to instantly respond to contact with cold. And if the child got used to walk barefoot, then there is no big difference.

Previously, Komarovsky answered questions about abdominal pain.

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