16 delicious treats from our childhood, which modern youth will not try even for money


We live in the age of gastronomic abundance. Shelves grocery stores are never empty, the choice of goods is impressive, and the word "deficit" is unfamiliar. But those whose childhood had to be in the past decades, no matter what the food was tasteless. On the contrary, will lead in an example of a combination of simplest products and add it to real pleasure.

We in adme.ru remembered what dishes were considered to be tasty in the past, but their new generation does not appreciate them.


16 delicious treats from our childhood, which modern youth will not try even for money 8797_1

When I wanted something sweet, you could construct a "cake" from the baton, butter and jam. Jam could be replaced with sugar sand. And if there were no oils at home, then the Baton simply sprinkled with sugar, looked slightly with water, and it was still tasty.

  • As a child, he loved to cook tea, smear a loaf with oil and jam and read "Denisian stories." © Banzayu / Twitter


16 delicious treats from our childhood, which modern youth will not try even for money 8797_2

A refreshing drink called "Pop" familiar to many from Soviet times. It was preparing it simply: a small amount of food soda and citric acid was added to a glass of water. To drink it should be immediately enough not to miss the moment of hiss. And it was also possible to turn it into the "mineralo", adding a little salt.


16 delicious treats from our childhood, which modern youth will not try even for money 8797_3
© Mazhara1986 / Pikabu

There are dozens of potato cooking methods. One of them is baking on coals. "At the exit" It turns out a fragrant dish with a taste of nostalgia. Hiking and family picnics did not work out without baked potatoes, which could be with one salt alone.


16 delicious treats from our childhood, which modern youth will not try even for money 8797_4

In rare catering establishments, you can get a dish of milk soup with pasta for lunch, but it was previously prepared in educational institutions and dining rooms regularly. This dish divided everyone for 2 camps: some mention of it causes warm feelings, others remember the taste and foam with horror on its surface.


16 delicious treats from our childhood, which modern youth will not try even for money 8797_5

From the briquette of the pressed jelly, it was possible to weld a whole pan of the fragrant thick drink. However, the children preferred to use a concentrate in a dry form: Sweet treats with Kinky, few people left indifferent.

  • Well, who among us is not gnawed kissel in briquette? I loved the cherry. © Yuri18Vertigo / Twitter


16 delicious treats from our childhood, which modern youth will not try even for money 8797_6

Spot in tomato sauce was one of the gastronomic symbols of the Soviet Union. It was added to all sorts of dishes: salads, soups, cutlets, and used bread as snacks. Currently, many buy these canned food to nostalgia.

  • Black bread and spray in tomato sauce created for each other! © 24Tema_ru / Twitter


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© robson90 / shutterstock

Another favorite dessert of children of past decades is a sweet cream-like delicacy called "Gogol-Mogol". It is scrabble egg yolks with sugar. Sometimes add more milk, juice, cocoa.

  • If in childhood you did not beg your mother or grandmother to make you Gogol-Mogol, then I don't know what your life is like. © aurevoirunami / Twitter


16 delicious treats from our childhood, which modern youth will not try even for money 8797_8
© IrinaSulamif / Pikabu

Every summer, children had the opportunity to enjoy a special yummy - foam, which is formed when the berry jam boils. Sweet air mass could be straight spoon or smeared on bread.

  • Weled 3 jars of plum jam. Children's memories surfaced: Penka from jam, basic on fire. She did something good. © yaal_n / Twitter


16 delicious treats from our childhood, which modern youth will not try even for money 8797_9

If the house suddenly turned out to be cookies and butter, it was silly to miss a chance and do not build a delicious dessert of them. The cookie was lubricated with oil and covered above another biscuit. Such a sandwich was perfect for tea or coffee.


16 delicious treats from our childhood, which modern youth will not try even for money 8797_10

It was impossible to come up with a snack better than a rabbish bread. It was lubricated with vegetable oil, salt sprinkled and the appetite was absorbed. This "sandwich" was perfectly combined with a green onion.


16 delicious treats from our childhood, which modern youth will not try even for money 8797_11

Another way to reinforce the cluster of bread is to grasp it with garlic with a "roasted" side. It turned out delicious and useful. Of course, the gourmets combined this "recipe" with the previous one: used oil, and garlic.


16 delicious treats from our childhood, which modern youth will not try even for money 8797_12

Feed a large seven of one packing of the dumplings was real. For this prepared a dumpy soup. It was necessary to cook in one pot of chopped potatoes and dumplings, and then add a carrot and onion roaster. A satisfying budget dish was obtained.


16 delicious treats from our childhood, which modern youth will not try even for money 8797_13
© Kagor / Wikipedia

The blood circuit is the type of sausage, which is prepared from pork blood with the addition of rice, buckwheat or pearl cereals. Currently, it is not so easy to find in stores, and buy this sausage mostly gourmet.


16 delicious treats from our childhood, which modern youth will not try even for money 8797_14
© Septor / Pikabu

"You will eat porridge - grow healthy and strong," said many of us in childhood, putting a dish of Manka with oil in front of the nose. Such breakfast was considered very helpful. However, later, doctors stated that the manka loses to other cushas on the content of trace elements and children better eat it.


16 delicious treats from our childhood, which modern youth will not try even for money 8797_15
© Hexatekin / Wikimedia

Many people remember the strange substance in a large bank in the kitchen, which was designed to turn the sweet tea into a refreshing drink with sourness. Our moms and grandmothers believed in the medicinal properties of such a "lemonade". Now there are few people at home to see the jar with this potion, but a similar drink is sold under the name "Kombuca".

  • I still remember your shock when I learned that this strange tea mushroom from the cans in the kitchen is bottled on the bottles with beautiful labels and sell as a fashionable healthy cheekbone. © nkbasya / twitter


16 delicious treats from our childhood, which modern youth will not try even for money 8797_16
© ndz74 / Depositphotos

Wood resin coped with the role of chewing candy, in search of which the nearest trees were carefully examined by the defore. A special success was not to be found not to the end of a hard resin, but with a soft middle.

What strange dishes were in your childhood, from which today's youth would raw nose?

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